Labdmaster, a firm specializing in regulatory products, announces the release of its 1989 comprehensive catalog.
The new catalog includes the company’s complete selection of labels, truck markings, and packaging, all produced in compliance with OSHA, DOT, and EPA requirements. There’s also a large selection of books, publications. video programs, and training aids.
did* No. 41 on Reoder Service Card
Literature on the VersaClimber, a vertical treadmill, is available from Heart Rate Inc.
ITiis model simulates a vertical running motion rather than a climbing motion; the user can walk, jog, sprint, or run up the “mountain” at various strides and running speeds. According to the literature, which lists the device’s benefits, the VersaClimber features a cross-crawl running motion and enables three workouts inside of a sixfoot circle.
Circle No. 43 on Reoder Service Cord
Color brochures on the TeleSqurt water tower/aerial ladder are available from Figgie International.
One brochure describes features of the Tele-Squrt 50’ unit, such as permanently installed, telescopic aluminum waterways on either side of the boom so the Tele-Squrt can quickly go into action. Another presents information about the Tele-Squrt 75’ apparatus, which can deliver its full rated capacity of 1,000 gpm with the boom in any position-even while moving.
Detailed diagrams are included, as well as vehicle specifications.
Click No. SO on Reodei Service Cord
Easi-Set, a precast concrete building, has a new design. Its new look is featured in a brochure from Easi-Set Industries.
The building now has a turndown roof design that caps all four walls and has a built-in drip feature that blocks water automatically. Other new features include an adjustable overhead door holder for easier access to the building and an aluminum threshold to ensure that the entryway is protected against water and rodents.
Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card
Literature on a firefighter fitness management software program is available from Wellness Systems Specialists Inc.
The program provides a system for conducting fitness assessments, quick access, and documentation of NFPA 1001 guidelines. It collects data on the percentage of body fat determined; blood pressure; flexibility; and blood chemistries.
Circle No. 48 on Reoder Service Card
Chempruf II Total-Encapsulating Suits and an assortment of new accessories and options designed to enhance suit versatility are described in a new, eightpage illustrated data sheet from Mine Safety Appliances
The data sheet features various schematic diagrams and a chart listing breakthrough times and permeation rates of a wide range of chemicals.
Available in Betex or Vautex materials, Chempruf II Suits can accommodate either a 30or a 60-minute SCBA. New options for the suits include a retrofit air cooling system and a suit integrity check kit.
Cird No. 44 on Rwd*r Service Card
The Alco-l.ite Fire Ladder Safety Handbook discusses several tests for ground ladders including a detailed explanation of the horizontal bending test.
All tests are current, and the handbook includes information from the Technical Interim Amendment to NFPA 1932. The handbook, available from Aluminum Ladder Co., explains the amendment’s effect on testing and use of ladders built prior to 1984 standards. A section on service and repair explains the safety features of Alco-Lite ground ladders. The handbook also offers a brief history of ladder types, the various kinds of ladders used in the fire service, and the different types of ladder construction.
Cirde No. 45 on Reader Service Card
The Commando decontamination trailer and several floor plan options are featured in a brochure from Hazco.
Clean ups are easy because all T-locked joints are siliconesealed, according to the brochure. Floors are layered fiberglass, and walls and ceilings are Kemply fiberglass surfaced. The Commando incorporates a work flow design that moves workers from the contaminated area to a clean environment.
Trailer specifications and several floor plan options are included in the brochure.
Cirde No. 47 on Reader Service Card
Neckset, a headset for portable two-way radio that’s actuallyworn around the neck, is described in literature from Television Equipment Associates.
The Neckset is made for high mobility and leaves peripheral hearing practically unaffected. The throat mike is insensitive to high ambient noise, and the ear molds can be worn under a hearing protector.
Components of the device are described in the literature: personally molded earplugs; transparent voice tube; Mil-Spec cable, which remains flexible at subzero temperatures; and radio transmit PIT switch. Specifications and ordering information are included.
Cede No. 44 on Reader Service Card
Fire Guardian gloves are described in a color brochure from Knoxville Glove Co.
The 50109 Series meets or exceeds OSHA standards, according to the literature. These gloves feature a chemically treated leather, with a Kevlar jerseyback and fully sewn lining.
The 50109-3GN Series glove has a second layer of Kevlar felt across the back of the palm, plus the features of the 50109.
Gloves come in six sizes.
Cirde No. 49 on Reoder Service Cord