Phone system brochure

Racal Acoustics has recently issued a 12page, color brochure on System Matel, its multiplexed, automatic phone system.

The phone system can be installed quickly and offers reliable voice communications during emergency situations such as railroad accidents, aircraft crashes, and natural disasters. The brochure describes the 2C800 Series portable handset, the 2C802 Series bulkhead unit, two interface units, and accessories.

Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card

Exercise machine literature

VersaClimber, an exercise machine that brings climbing indoors, is featured in literature from Heart Rate Inc.

The machine provides four basic exercise modalities— aerobic, anaerobic, strength, and muscular endurance. Its computer guides the user according to his or her own physical condition and exercise goals.

Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card

Manifold system catalog

Western Enterprises announces the release of a 20-page manifold systems and accessories catalog.

Featured are the automatic changeover manifolds, which allow switching from “service” to “reserve” gas cylinders without interruption of production. Other systems, including transfilling types, are also described. Products are well illustrated and are presented with detailed specification and performance information.

The catalog is designed for users of oxygen, acetylene, compressed air, liquified fuel gases, helium, and nitrogen.

Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card

Compressor literature

Literature is available on Mako Compressors Inc.’s Muffler/Reservoir, a unit designed to accept the high-pressure discharge of condensation from breathing air compressors.

The unit is pictured and described in the literature, and its advantages are listed.

Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card

Barricade brochure

Lights, warning signs, and other safety items are featured in an eight-page, color brochure from Best Barricade.

There’s information on the company’s Plasticades, Narrowcades, and Minicades; safety options, such as blinker lights and “keep left” and “keep right” signs; and barrels.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card

Overpack catalog

Skolnik Industries Inc.’s line of heavygauge steel overpack containers designed specifically for haz mats is featured in a 20page catalog from the company.

The overpacks are able to contain openand closed-head steel, plastic, fiber, and composite containers and have corrosionresistant interiors. There are more than 400 different combinations available.

Circle No. 45 on Reader Service Card

First aid kit data sheets

Type D Unit First Aid Kits and contents for refilling them are described in two new data sheets from Mine Safety Appliances Co.

There’s a choice with these kits between a standard fill of treatments or a combination of units to meet a particular need. The Type D contents include pre-cut and pre-measured dressings or treatments for a single injury.

The kits and their contents are pictured and described in the literature.

Circle No. 46 on Reader Service Card

Halon fire extinguisher brochure

OUT Pure Halon Fire Extinguishers are described in a four-page, color brochure from 3D.M.R. Inc.

The brochure shows five different models of the halon extinguishers, and their features are explained: They’re clean, easy-touse, and fast and efficient. OUT has earned the UL and ARL listings and includes a oneyear factory guarentee.

Circle No. 47 on Reader Service Card

Fire protection guide

A new guide/workboot for selecting fire-detection systems for critical or hazardous applications has been issued by Detector Electronics of Minneapolis.

The 12-page guide discusses the basic principles of ultraviolet, infrared, and combination detectors, as well as what to use where.

The guide includes block schematics showing typical installations with suggested equipment and a worksheet.

Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card

Emergency medical products catalog

Rockford Medical & Safety Co. has released its new EMP-9 Emergency Medical Care Products Guide.

Products in the catalog range from bandages to CPR equipment to personal protective equipment. Many products are in stock and available for immediate shipment.

Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card

Brian Zaitz, Demond Simmons, and Dave Dubowski

Humpday Hangout: Photos and the Fire Service Memory

Brian Zaitz and other members of the ISFSI speak with guest Dave Dubowski, firefighter and photographer, who will discuss his recent trip to chronicle the…

Video: San Bernardino (CA) Firefighters Rescue Bedridden Woman from House Fire

San Bernardino County firefighters rescued a 23-year-old woman with cerebral palsy from a burning home Monday.