Manufacturers’ Literature
80 Halon 1211—A multipurpose fire fighting agent which evaporates completely and leaves no residue is described in a new brochure from ICI Americas Inc. BCF Halon 1211 for use in portable extinguishers provides effective protection for class A, B and C fires. The brochure is complete with fullcolor photographs and technical data charts to detail Halon’s uses and advantages.
81 Fog Nozzles—Bete Fog Nozzle, Inc., has published its 1981 product catalog. The 68-page publication presents Bete’s comprehensive line of standard nozzles and several new designs, with guidelines on energy efficiency and performance characteristics. The catalog includes extended engineering information and a new simplified index system.
82 Dispatch Systems—Eagle Signal Corporation has a brochure on its computeraided dispatch systems. The brochure highlights the systems approach in attaining community goals by using Eagle’s CAD. Also included are the systems functions involved in the design of the program and selection of Eagle’s CAD as an effective alternative to manual dispatch systems.
83 Ambulances—The full line of Star-Line ambulances is featured in a new catalog released by Elgin Leach Corporation, sales and marketing organization for the vehicle manufacturer. The literature incorporates fullcolor views and a full description of each Star-Line emergency/rescue vehicle currently sold and serviced by Elgin Leach throughout the United States, Canada and the rest of the world.
84 Training Aids—Laerdal Medical Corp. has a 16-page resuscitation training aids and emergency equipment catalog. Included are descriptions of Resusci Anne, Anatomic Anne, Resusci Anne torso, recording Resusci Anne, arrhythmia Anne, Resusci Baby, Anne Baby, an adult and an infant intubation model, infusion training, practoplas—a casualty simulation kit—resuscitators, pocket masks, and suction unit.
85 Badges—Entenmann-Rovin has a 36page catalog describing its line of badges, cap pieces, award medals, shoulder and collar ornaments and jewelry. A complete price list is also included.
86 Emergency Medical Training Aids—A new 20-page catalog of CPR manikins, mass disaster drill kits, inflatable splints, and many other training aids and equipment has been publshed by Simulaids, Inc. The catalog describes nine different CPR manikins including newborn babies, toddlers and adults. A highlight of the catalog is the advanced casualty simulation and makeup kit. It contains 100 simulated wounds, makeup and cosmetics, and numerous tools and accessories. The 26-compartment kit has enough equipment to stage a mass disaster drill. A full page is devoted to Simulaids’ emergency childbirthing O.B. manikins, a nine-piece set including a life-size female lower torso, fetus, umbilical cord and placenta.
87 Fire/Safety Electrical Products—A new catalog featuring fire/safety electrical products which form a system eliminating non-connect problems at emergency sites due to non-matching wiring devices is available from Daniel Woodhead Company. The four-color, 20-page catalog presents Woodhead products that connect quickly on-site and are engineered to withstand harsh application conditions often encountered during fire/safety emergencies. Products described and illustrated include plugs and connectors, portable lighting and power outlet boxes, portable cord caddies, cord and cord reels. Selection charts are provided for plugs, connectors, cord and NEMA wiring device configurations.
88 Extinguishing Systems—A 48-page technical brochure from Grinnell illustrates the specialized equipment and advanced methods for special hazard fire protection developed by the company. The brochure covers Selfcon water spray systems, Primac ultra high-speed fire protection, foam protection and dry chemical system protection. The brochure also features a quick selector chart which allows the reader to analyze or review his special fire hazards and determine which suppression system best fits his needs.
89 Portable Lights—A wide range of specialized portable lights are presented in a new catalog from Specialty Lighting Inc. These hand-held and tripod-mounted units feature high-intensity illumination up to 500,000 candlepower, low-voltage operation, and lightweight but heavy-duty construction. The 24-page catalog describes each individual light, highlights its features and provides mechanical and electrical specifications. There is a section of special products and a general information page that lists key definitions and lighting data important in helping determine precise customer needs.