Apparatus brochures
Brochures describing Pierce Manufacturing Inc.’s pumpers and tankers are available from the company.
The brochures provide technical data and list the standard and optional features of the Pierce Arrow, the company’s top-ofthe-line pumper; the Pierce Dash pumper; the Pierce Lance pumper; and tankers.M
Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card
Hose bulletin
A 12-page color bulletin from Aeroquip Corp. describes the benefits of the company’s convoluted Teflon hose for chemical and fuel transfer, namely increased flexibility and tighter bend capability. More flexibility means a smaller bend radius then conventional, smooth-bore Teflon hose. Tighter bend capability may reduce the quantity of hose needed, resulting in cost and weight savings.
The bulletin provides assembly instructions, specifications, and a fluid compatibility chart for two models of convoluted Teflon hose.
Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card
Salvage drum brochure
The new Enviropack Generation II salvage drum, a polyethylene unit to overpack and transport corroded or leaking chemical drums, is featured in a brochure from Essex Environmental Industries Inc. The fourpage brochure describes the reusable drum’s durability and low-temperature impact strength.
Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card
Personal protection literature
Disposable gloves and face masks are some of the personal protection products described in literature from Texwipe Co.
Among the company’s line of personal protection products are Phone-Wipe, a pre_ moistened pad that kills a wide range of infectious germs on communications equipment; Clean & Safe hand towelettes; and Face Mask 10, which features a three-layer design to ensure maximum protection.
Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card
Fire equipment catalogue
Halprin Supply Co.’s M900 Catalogue includes the latest in state-of-the-art fire and safety equipment.
It introduces several new product lines, including the Halprin/Tacconi line of aluminized suits for crash fire rescue and Sierra Storz valves and adapters, butterfly valves, and smoke ejectors. The company has added more than 25 pages of new products to the 240-page catalogue.
Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card
Compressed-breathing-air system brochure
A 47-page brochure describing compressed breathing air equipment from Eagle Air Systems is available.
The brochure provides technical information and specifications on the six components of a complete SCBA filling system: the compressor; the purifier; the air monitors; the air storage system; the air control panel; and the SCBA fill container. It includes information on mobile air and hose line supply systems, as well as on miscellaneous items, such as valves and gauges.
Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card
Lubricant literature
The Sigler Co. has released literature on its Dakota Tank Saver, which has a 25-year record of preventing rust in booster tanks.
The Dakota Tank Saver, a blend of eight soluable oils, also can be used as a lubricant for pumps and valves. It’s available in 4and 6-gallon cases, 5-gallon containers, and 55-gallon drums.
Circle No. 52 on Reader Service Card
Absorbent products catalogue
A 16-page, color catalogue contains technical and ordering information on New PIG Corp. absorbent products.
Available from the company, the New PIG Almanac is designed for firefighters; plant engineers, managers, and superintendents; and maintenance managers. It also offers useful information about nonsparking tools and patch kits. The catalogue will be updated twice a year.
Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card
Management software literature
The Computer Aided Public Safety system from McDonnell Douglas Computer Systems Co. is described in literature from the company.
The CAPS Fire Management System offers a comprehensive management solution for fire and emergency services seeking both rapid computer response to emergencies and control over departmental day-today situations.
Circle No. 46 on Reader Service Card
Engine brochure
Koehler Co.’s Magnum engine line is described in a color brochure.
The literature provides details on singleand twin-cylinder engines. Standard features include an electronic induction ignition, a high-performance camshaft, and Posi-Lock connecting rods for accurate alignment and uniform lubrication.
Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card