Manufacturers’ Literature
80 Badges—Everson Ross Co. has issued Catalog 180 describing its line of fire badges. Also included in the catalog are uniform accessories, badge cases, collar and lapel accessories, name plates, vehicle symbols, tie clasps and plaques. A price list accompanies the catalog.
81 Lighting Equipment—HD Electric Co. offers a six-page, condensed catalog that describes and illustrates its full line of products. The line comprises electrical testing equipment, 12-volt emergency lighting products and aluminum carrying cases.
82 First Aid Kits—An illustrated data sheet on fire department and standard type D unit first aid kits is now available from Mine Safety Appliances Co. The fire department kit consists of a special assortment of type D first aid materials for fire service in a steel case with “The Professionals” symbol in red on a white enamel finish, while the standard kit has the universal first aid symbol in turquoise . Both kits are available in 10, 16, 24 and 36-unit sizes.
83 Fire Equipment—Western Fire Equipment Co. has published a 128-page catalog describing its equipment for municipal and industrial fire and safety operations. Various products are illustrated and described in detail, and conversion charts and hydraulic tables are included for reference.
84 Pumps—A four-page brochure, No. 180, from Hale Fire Pump Company describes its line of high-pressure and standard portable pumps, dewatering units, generators, accessories and specialized units for forestry and brush trucks and for pump and roll apparatus.
85 Films—Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc., has released a new catalog describing 16mm safety and fire prevention films for training and public information. The catalog contains new titles and lists films for fire departments, health care facilities, industry, school and home.
86 EMS Battery Packs—A complete line of EMS battery packs for biomedical and communications equipment is listed in a new catalog available from Alexander Manufacturing Co. Included are batteries for monitors, infusion pumps, monitor/defibrillators, telemetry, suction pumps and other portable emergency and medical equipment. Also listed are battery packs for portable radios and pagers. A current price list and order blank are included with the catalog.
87 Fire Apparatus—Two one-page, illustrated data sheets from Car-Mar describe the company’s pumpers and pumper-tankers. Pumpers are available in a range of sizes from 250 to 1500 gpm and with booster tanks from 500 to 1000 gallons. The pumper-tankers are available with 250 to 1250-gpm pumps and 1250 to 3500-gallon water tanks.
88 Rebuilt Electrical System Components—A four-page brochure featuring its heavy-duty, factory-rebuilt electrical system components is available from the LeeceNeville Division of Sheller-Globe Corporation. The heavily illustrated publication highlights new additions to the line, including competitive rotors, RM 7246 starters, RR 1800 regulators, and rotors for flangemounted alternators. The brochure also gives information on the company’s existing line of rebuilt alternators, starters, regulators, rotors, stators, and other competitive parts.
89 Fire Fighting Equipment—Rockwood Systems Corp. offers literature covering fire fighting equipment, extinguishing agents and ball valve products. Special fire extinguishing systems can be designed to a fire department’s specifications and requirements.
90 Arrhythmia Cassettes—Tape cassettes that display arrhythmias through a Tudor demodulator and which have been created primarily for the American Heart Association’s advanced cardiac life support course, Station 6, are described in a new leaflet from Physiological Training Company. There are four pairs of practice and test programs, each containing arrhythmias which are required for recognition as part of the course. They have been selected from the company’s library of tape recordings from actual patients.
91 Fire Apparatus—A six-page, four-color brochure from Pierce describes the company’s line of tankers, rescue units, initial attack pumpers, Suburban 750 and 1000 pumpers, the H.D. Suburban, the Minuteman and Pierce Arrow pumpers and water towers, ladder trucks and platforms.
92 Visual Aids—Robert J. Brady Co. has published a four-page price list and order form for its series of transparencies and 35mm slides and textbooks.
93 Emergency Lighting—Dual-Lite Inc., Emergency Lighting Division announces the availability of a four-page general-purpose specification brochure in color, featuring a complete product line of self-contained, decorative, industrial emergency lighting equipment.
94 Gloves—A pocket-size brochure from TempoOption describes its line of gloves, mittens and innerliners. The gloves and mittens are made of AquaTemp leather which has heat, flame-resistant and water-resistant properties.