Cutting system brochure

A four-page, color brochure on the new Arcair Slice Pak fire and rescue cutting system is now available from the company. The brochure lists the Slice Pak’s specifications and features and contains pictures of it in operation.

Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card

Booster tank literature

Literature now available from Triple “M” Plastic Products describes the company’s booster tanks for fire apparatus. The literature also contains pictures and diagrams to illustrate the tanks’ features.

Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card

Firefighting equipment brochure

A 12-page brochure from KK Products describes the company’s nozzles, ball shutoffs, hose fittings, and fog and straightstream tips. The brochure contains specification charts and pictures of the products.

Circle No. 46 on Reader Service Card

Leak-control kit literature

Edwards and Cromwell Manufacturing Inc. announces the availability of literature on its hazardous-materials, leak-sealing kits. The literature describes the kits’ features and applications.

Circle No. 47 on Reader Service Card

Defibrillator bulletin

A two-page bulletin from Cardiac Resuscitator Corp. describes the company’s Heart Aid 1000, a fully automatic defibrillator. The product’s specifications, features, and uses are listed in the bulletin.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card

Key vault booklet

The Knox Company introduces an eightpage, color booklet on its rapid-entry system, a key vault that allows firefighters to gain emergency access to large building complexes. The bulletin describes the system’s features and contains pictures that show the system in operation.

Circle No. 45 on Reader Service Card

Computer terminal booklet

TravelMate, a portable data terminal, is described in a 12-page, color booklet that’s now available from Texas Instruments. The booklet lists the terminal’s features and uses and also contains pictures of it in operation.

Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card

Digital terminal literature

Literature on the Digicom Mobile Digital Terminal 850E is available from ElectroCom Automation Inc. The literature lists the terminal’s specifications and contains pictures of the product.

Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card

Fire helmet bulletin

The Firedome II, a fire helmet manufactured by E.D. Bullard Co., is described in a six-page, color bulletin available from the company. The bulletin lists the helmet’s specifications and features and contains pictures and diagrams that highlight the product’s components.

Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card

Compressor product catalog

A 26-page catalog now available from Masterline Compressors Inc. describes the company’s high-pressure compressors and accessories. Diagrams and charts are used to highlight the products’ features.

Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card

Pumper information sheet

A one-page information sheet describing a 1,500-gpm pumper manufactured by TBC Fabrication Inc. is now available from the company. The sheet lists the pumper’s specifications and contains a diagram which highlights the different sections of the apparatus.

Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card

Safety ladder literature

The JOMY safety ladder is described in literature available from C.D.E. International Inc. A brochure and data sheet detail the ladder’s features, construction, and method of operation.

Circle No. 52 on Reader Service Card

Piping system literature

The ExtinguishSure fire sprinkler piping system is described in literature from R&G Sloane. The literature contains pictures of the system and lists its specifications and uses.

Circle No. 53 on Reader Service Card

Protective clothing bulletin

A four-page bulletin on the Workrite line of protective clothing is available from the company. The bulletin describes the garments available, including a fire chief’s shirt, an executive jacket, a firefighter’s shirt, and denim blue firefighter’s pants.

Circle No. 54 on Reader Service Card

Fire apparatus brochure

The Boardman Co. announces the availability of an eight-page, color brochure on its line of fire apparatus. The brochure contains pictures of the models available, including the balanced-pressure foam pumper, town and country minipumper, and telescoping aerial platform. The trucks’ features are also listed.

Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card

Flashlight literature

Literature from Mag Instrument Inc. describes the company’s Mini-Mag AA flashlight. The literature lists the flashlight’s features and contains pictures which display its components.

Circle No. 56 on Reader Service Card

Helmet bulletin

The Super Lite Force and Lite Force helmets are described in a two-page bulletin available from Morning Pride Manufacturing Inc. The bulletin describes the helmets’ features and contains close-up pictures of its components.

Circle No. 57 on Reader Service Card

Training course bulletin

A four-page bulletin available from Emergency Resources Inc. lists the features of the company’s video training program, “Fire Attack.” The bulletin describes the subjects covered in the program, including understanding fire attack, successful scene management, and fireground ventilation techniques.

Circle No. 58 on Reader Service Card

Junction box brochure

The Junc-A-Lite portable light and electrical junction box is described in a four-page, color brochure available from BEE Electric Inc. The brochure lists the junction box’s specifications, advantages, and uses, and contains pictures of it in operation.

Circle No. 59 on Reader Service Card

Head gear data sheet

A two-page data sheet from E D. Bullard Co. lists the specifications and features of the FH-911C and FH-911H Wildfire helmets. Pictures of the helmets are also included in the data sheet.

Circle No. 60 on Reader Service Card

Rescue equipment catalog

A 28-page catalog from Paratech Inc. describes the company’s rescue products, including the Airgun 40, an impact tool; the Pakhammer 90, a pneumatic breaker designed for forcible entry; and high-pressure air bags. The catalog contains pictures of each product and lists their features.

Circle No. 62 on Reader Service Card

Navigator system literature

Literature on the Etak Navigator, a vehicle navigation system, is available from Etak Inc. The literature describes the system’s specifications, functions, and benefits and contains pictures of it in operation.

Circle No. 63 on Reader Service Card

Hose tester brochure

Rice Hydro Equipment announces the availability of its four-page brochure on the FH-3 fire hose tester. The brochure lists the tester’s specifications and features and contains a picture of the product.

Circle No. 64 on Reader Service Card

Car vision system literature

Intec Video Systems Inc. introduces literature on its car vision systems. The literature describes the systems’ specifications, features, and options and contains pictures of it in use.

Circle No. 65 on Reader Service Card

Underwater products booklet

An eight-page, color booklet from Arcair describes the company’s underwater products, including the Sea Torch, a cutting and welding torch; the Arcwater Torch, a torch designed to cut steel and other metals underwater quickly; and the Sea-Stinger, an underwater welding electrode holder. Pictures of each product are included.

Circle No. 66 on Reader Service Card

Fire pump literature

The XL-2000, a high-pressure/high-volume, portable fire pump, is described in literataure available from Hale Fire Pump Co. The literature lists the pump’s specifications, features, and optional accessories and contains pictures of the product.

Circle No. 67 on Reader Service Card

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