Firefighting pumps bulletin
A six-page fold-out on eight high-performance pump models for firefighters is available from Gorman Rupp.
Included are light-weight backpack models, weighing less than 30 pounds; compact portable models; heavy-duty two-man portable models; and high-pressure, self-priming centrifugal P.T.O. tanker models.
Circle No. 57 on Reader Service Card
Thermal image bulletin
I.S.I. Group Inc. announces the availability of a six-page fold-out bulletin that describes its Model 91 VideoTherm hand-held, realtime thermal imager.
The bulletin contains pictures and lists VideoTherm’s specifications, applications, and accessories.
Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card
Fire-resistant material bulletin
A one-page bulletin describing Burlington’s Sandel fire-resistant material is now available from the company.
The bulletin contains a series of photographs that show the performance of a standard hotel mattress and an identical mattress covered with Sandel ticking in fullscale burn demonstrations. The Sandel material resists both smoldering and open flame ignition.
Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card
Safety catalog
A 200-page, four-color catalog is now available from Lab Safety Supply. The book contains pictures and descriptions on the following topics: solving your right-toknow problems, personal and respiratory protection, chemical storage and handling, spill response, and safety equipment and supplies.
Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card
Guide describes silicones’ uses
Dow Coming’s colorful new publication, “The Informed Insider’s Guide to Silicones,” takes an easy-to-read look at silicone liquids, grease-like compounds and lubricants, gels, elastomers, and resins.
It shows how these silicones work in many industries: electrical, transportation, industrial maintenance and production, construction, etc.
Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card
Foam equipment brochure
Halprin Supply Company introduces a sixpage four-color brochure on their foam equipment. Complete with pictures, charts, and diagrams, the brochure describes the company’s foam nozzles and eductors.
Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card
Brochure describes data sheets
An eight-page brochure on the Material Safety Date Sheets (MSDS) is available from Genium Publishing Corporation.
The brochure describes the MSDS collection, a two-volume set that is a comprehensive source for material safety information. The brochure also describes the MSDS engine software, which is a software management system that manages your material safety data sheets.
Circle No. 69 on Reader Service Card
Uniform catalog
A full-color catalog and price list is now available free of charge from J.B. Battle Uniform Company. The catalog includes illustration and photography of shirts, trousers, jackets, and breeches in a variety of fabric selections and colors, as well as other items such as rain wear, hats, wallets, badges, holsters and belt accessories, emblems, and body armor.
Circle No. 47 on Reader Service Card
Paging bulletins
A series of bulletins is now available from ICM Communications. The bulletins describe the company’s different paging systems: the CT-1000 paging terminal, the CT1000X paging terminal and transmitter, the alpha numeric pager, the digital pager, and the PH-1000 paging encoder.
Included are pictures, descriptions, and specification information.
Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card
Fire pump system data sheet
A new product data sheet, featuring the Patterson Pre-Pac Prepackaged Fire Pump System, is available from Patterson Pump Company.
The sheet pictures a base-mounted package unit as well as one totally enclosed with housing. The pre-packaged system is designed to fulfill requirements for a diesel unit, an electrically driven unit, or both. Specifications for Patterson’s standard line of fire pumps are also included.
Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card
Breathing systems bulletins
A series of bulletins is now available from Interspiro. Using pictures, diagrams, and charts, the bulletins describe the Spiromatic, a breathing apparatus system; the Interspiro Revitox, a mask to be worn with the breathing apparatus; and the Savox 100 TS Compact radio interface, a microphone/ speaker unit, also designed to be worn with the breathing apparatus.
Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card
Hose data sheet
A data sheet describing the XL-800 double jacket fire hose is available from Niedner. The sheet includes pictures and lists the specifications for different size hoses.
Circle No. 52 on Reader Service Card
Tool and rescue kit bulletin
A 24-page booklet is now available from Paratech. Complete with black and white pictures, tables, and a price list, the booklet describes Paratech’s products, including the air bag rescue system, the leak sealing field kit, and the pry axe.
Circle No. 53 on Reader Service Card
Foam brochure
A four-color, four-page brochure is now available from Denko. The brochure contains pictures and full descriptions of the company’s different types of foam and other related products. These include AFFF, high-expansion foam, and wetting agent concentrate.
Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card
Diving product booklet
Underwater Kinetics announces the availability of a 24-page, four-color booklet, which describes the company’s diving-related products. These include: dive lights, underwater camera housings, and equipment bags. The booklet contains pictures and descriptions of the products.
Circle No. 56 on Reader Service Card