Tire brochure

Tractioneer Company announces the availability of a six-page brochure on their Tractioneer tires. The brochure contains pictures of the tires and lists their applications and advantages.

Circle No. 46 on Reader Service Card

Protective clothing literature

Chemron Inc. announces the availability of literature on its line of protective clothing. The literature includes specifications, descriptions, and pictures of the Chemrel chemical protective haz-mat suit.

Circle No. 58 on Reader Service Card

Portable pump brochure

Barebo Inc. has available a full-color brochure describing the Otterbine floating, portable pump. The brochure contains specifications, data charts, and pictures of the pump in action.

Circle No. 62 on Reader Service Card

Vehicle and chassis bulletin

Spartan Motors Inc. introduces its fourpage, four-color bulletin on its custom-built vehicles and chassis. The bulletin contains pictures and descriptions of the different applications of the company’s products.

Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card

Data sheet literature

Literature on Genium Publishing Corp.’s material safety data sheets collection is available from the company. The literature includes diagrams and descriptions of some of the sheets.

Circle No. 64 on Reader Service Card

Harness catalog

Lirakis Safety Harness Inc. announces the. availability of an 18-page, four-color catalog on its line of safety harnesses and related rescue equipment. The catalog contains pictures and descriptions of the company’s rappel seat, chest harness, rescue sling, and other products.

Circle No. 68 on Reader Service Card

Hose systems brochure

An eight-page brochure on lightweight lire hose systems is available from Snap-tite Hose Inc. Pictures, charts, and diagrams are used to describe the different hose systems and their features.

Circle No. 47 on Reader Service Card

Workboat book

A 46-page book on Boston Whaler’s line of workboats is available from the company. The book describes the different models, including their standard equipment, specifications, and special purposes. Photographs of the workboats in operation are also included.

Circle No. 67 on Reader Service Card

Indicator booklet

MC Products Inc. has available a four-color, eight-page booklet describing its indicator products. These include a liquid level monitor, foam fluidmeter, panel gauge heater, and pump overheat indicator. The booklet contains pictures of the products and lists their features and specifications.

Circle No. 63 on Reader Service Card

Inverter bulletin

A two-page bulletin on the Transpower inverters for emergency and rescue vehicles is available from Dimensions Unlimited Inc. The bulletin contains photographs of the models available and lists the inverters’ features and specifications.

Circle No. 65 on Reader Service Card

Software literature

Mapping Information Systems Corp. introduces literature on its new software program called the Map Information Display and Analysis System. The literature describes the program’s functions, specifications, and applications.

Circle No. 69 on Reader Service Card

AIDS protection brochure

Lab Safety Supply Co. has developed a brochure that describes in detail products needed for protection against work-related hazards involving acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other infectious diseases. The eight-page, four-color brochure describes different safety devices, including the infectious agent protection/prevention kit, tapes and labels to warn workers of contaminated materials, and cleaning agents.

Circle No. 45 on Reader Service Card

Emergency lighting bulletin

A one-page bulletin on the Nite Spotter, a dual spotlight for emergency vehicular use, is now available from Natale Machine & Tool Co. The bulletin contains a picture of the light and describes its features and construction.

Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card

Pumper brochure

A six-page, four-color brochure on FMC Corp.’s custom and commercial Sentinel pumpers is available from the company. The brochure lists the pumpers’ specifications and contains photographs of some of the trucks.

Circle No. 66 on Reader Service Card

Two-way radio brochure

A four-color, six-page brochure describing synthesized, portable, two-way radios is available from King Radio Corp. The brochure contains pictures of the radios and describes their special features, including Bandtrac tuning, priority scanning, and a battery-saver circuit.

Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card

Equipment catalog

A 108-page rescue and safety equipment catalog is available from J.E. VVeinel Inc. It contains pictures, diagrams, and descriptions of accessory cords, harnesses, utility ropes, and other safety equipment. The products contained in the catalog are for firefighters, EMS personnel, and search and rescue personnel.

Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card

Lighting system bulletin

Fire Research announces the availability of a one-page bulletin on its 12-volt Ouster Lite lighting systems. The bulletin lists the systems’ specifications and contains diagrams that show the clusters available.

Circle No. 53 on Reader Service Card

Chassis booklet

The specifications and applications of fire apparatus chassis are described in a fourcolor booklet available from Pemfab Trucks, a division of Pemberton Fabricators Inc. The booklet contains pictures of the chassis and charts that list the different models available.

Circle No. 52 on Reader Service Card

Vehicle brochure

A six-page, four-color brochure on chassis, cabs, and firefighting vehicles is available from American LaFrance, a Figgie International company. The brochure contains pictures of all the products and describes their features.

Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card

Air system bulletin

AirStar, an advanced breathing system, is described in a one-page bulletin that’s available from CompAir Mako. Tine bulletin lists the system’s specifications and the different models available.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card

Flashlight brochure

Black & Decker Inc. announces the availability of a four-page, four-color brochure on the Sunlance, a rechargeable, halogen flashlight. The brochure describes the flashlight and contains pictures of it in actual operation.

Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card

Transmissions bulletin

A six-page, four-color bulletin on Allison transmissions Is available from General Motors Corp. The bulletin uses pictures, charts, and graphs to describe the transmissions’ operation, functions, features, and benefits.

Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card

Exit sign brochure

Dual-Lite Inc. announces the availability of a four-color, six-page brochure on the Excalibur Series of exit signs. The brochure lists the features and benefits of the series and contains pictures of the signs.

Circle No. 56 on Reader Service Card

Spill-control products bulletin

SPILL-X, a spill-control product, is described in a two-page bulletin from the Spill Control Products Group of Ansul. The bulletin lists the SPILL-X response packs available and describes their features.

Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card

Flow instrument brochure

Flowminder, a system that measures flow in gallons per minute, is described in a fourpage brochure from Span Instruments. The brochure lists the system’s indicator and transmitter specifications, as well as its overall features. Diagrams show how the system operates.

Circle No. 54 on Reader Service Card

Rescue boat literature

Zodiac introduces literature on its line of rescue boats. It includes pictures of the boats in action and lists the features and specifications of each model.

Circle No. 61 on Reader Service Card

Large House in Fort Worth (TX) Partially Collapses During Fire

Fort Worth firefighters battled a fire at a large house in the affluent Crestline neighborhood, near the River Crest Country Club, early Wednesday.
Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.