“The Commander,” a support services unit for fire, rescue, and haz-mat incidents, is featured in a color brochure from Hackney and Sons.

The brochure includes detailed descriptions of the support services unit, its benefits and available options, as well as diagrams and photos.

Grde No. 49 on Reoder Service Cord


A four-page, color brochure on the Ranger II SCBA is available from International Safety Instruments, Inc.

The brochure describes several of the Ranger II’s features, including a low-pressure whistlewarning alarm; demand valve supply hose; quick-release cylinder band; and a rugged pressuregauge. Included in the brochureare specifications and orelt-ring information.

Grde No. SO on Reader Service Cord


Allied Air Products, Inc.’s highpressure breathing air compressor purifier systems are described in literature from the company.

There’s information on both the gas/diesel and the vertical electric-driven systems. These units arc designed to be easily installed and maintained. AH models are equipped with intercoolers, aftercoolers, and condensate separators; safety valves are provided after each stage of compression

Grdo No. 52 on Reodec Service Coed


The TopSpot, which instantly converts from a hand-held flashlight to a headlamp, is described in literature from Streamlight, Inc.

The literature outlines the unit’s features, such as its positive locking on/off switch, fingertip adjustable focusing, and computer-designed reflector optics.

Grde No. 59 on Reader Service Cord


Holmatro’s Rescue Board is described in a data sheet.

There’s a diagram of the board that shows its special shape; viewing glass; throw line; earn -ing handles; pulling eye for hose reel; and other features. Technical data is provided, as well as information on a special dry suit developed to protect rescuers against the cold.

Circle No. 57 on Reoder Service Cord


Safety Specialists, Inc. introduces a catalog featuring hazardous chemical labels. DOT and EPA shipping labels, and safety and health labels and signs. Bilingual labels are available.

The 25-page color catalog comes complete with stock numbers, label descriptions, and an ordering form.

Grde No. 48 on Reoder Service Cord


Literature on the WTT-100A, a performance monitor for handheld two-way radios, is available from Com-Ser laboratories, Inc. The monitor is easily programmable for up to 30 channels and has adjustments for sensitivity and power. It eliminates unnecessary checking by servicetechnicians and radio checks that sometimes interfere with important communications or overload channels.

Circle No. 53 on Reader Service Card


A new eight-page illustrated brochure that features products used by haz-mat crews and emergency response teams is available from Mine Safety Appliances.

The brochure describes options for the company’s Chempruf II total encapsulating suits; Wolf Socks by Wolfco; the HazMat Vari-X Foamaker. which provides highand low-expansion foam barriers for hazardous spills; and the HazMat Detector Tube Kit.

Circle No. 46 on Reader Service Cord


Snap-tite Hose. Inc. introduces a new fire hose hardware system specification package. The System Spec gives the fire chief or officer a step-by-step outline and procedure for designing a complete water supply system. It includes a color catalog, performance specifications and questionnaires. hose and hardware checklists, and warranty and technical information.

Grde No. 41 on Reader Service Cord


A fact sheet on FirePoint Fire Incident Software is available from Advanced Command Systems.

The fact sheet walks the reader through how the softwareworks. The software’s built-in mapping function and ability to produce summary tables, piccharts, and bar charts are all explained in the fact sheet.

Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card


Videotapes, instructor guides, handouts, and other training tools are featured in a catalog from Media Resources, Inc.

There’s information on aids for fire service qualification and technical training; patient education; public education; emergency services department training; and fire protection for business and industry and for longterm care facilities.

Grde No. 43 on Reader Service Card


Earmark’s line of hands-free communication systems is in a new catalog. The features of the company’s radios are explained, with attention given to the hazardous environments for which the equipment was designed.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card


“Passive Fire Protection,” an 18page guide from 3M for industrial safety managers, engineers, or property managers, explains practical, effective fire blockage and containment measures.

Grde No. 60 on Reoder Service Card


Dual-Lite’s Emergency Lighting Division introduces its latest 40page catalog. It includes the company’s complete line of products: commercial and industrial emergency lighting equipment; exit signs; remote lighting heads, and more.

The catalog also features excerpts from the National Electric Code and the NFPA’s Life Safety Code as they pertain to emergency lighting products.

Circle No. 45 on Reoder Service Cord


New PIG Corp. has published its first 1989 edition of PIGALOG, the company’s catalog of leak and spill cleanup products for industry and emergency response The 32-page, color catalog provides information on the complete line of New PIG Corp. products, as well as price and ordering information.

Circle No. 56 on Reader Service Card


Partner Industrial Products offers literature on its K3500 Ring Cutter, a hydraulic cut-off saw intended mainly for working in masonry and concrete material.

There’s information on the saw’s features, such as the 350 mm 1-4” diamond blade; the center support blade: guide and support rollers; and the hydraulic motor Also featured is the Partner Hydraulic Power Pack, a compact hydraulic unit for the k 3500 and other hydraulic tcxtls

Circle No. 51 on Render Service Cord


A 24-page, color catalog featuring uniforms and jackets is available from Fechheimer Uniforms.

The catalog includes information about jackets, dress uniforms, jacket liners, shirts, and caps. A complete listing of 114 styles of uniform trousers for men and women is included, as is a size chart.

Circle No. 47 on Reoder Service Cord


Biosystems, Inc. has released a four-page brochure on PosiCheck, a device which can test all major functions of SCBA, record the data, and print out the test results. A diagram accompanies an explanation of how the device works, and there’s information on the six potential trouble spots that PosiCheck is designed to test.

Circle No. 61 on Reader Service Cord


Literature on the Scott Air-Pak 2.2 and 4.5 SCBA and compliance with NFPA 1981 is available from Scott Aviation. There’s information on the standard, how the Air-Paks meet the standard, and how older equipment can be upgraded. Specifications are included, as well as a technical description of each device.

Circle No. 62 on Reoder Service Card


Simon LTI has available technical data sheets on its apparatus. including the Mini Snorkel. SS600 Super Snorkel, and the 26 Series Snorkel. The sheet includes specifications, a list of standard features and options, and information on safety, manueverability on the road, and range of movement.

Circle No. 63 on Reader Service Card


Literature on Micro Palm Computers, Inc.’s PC/4000 line of hand-held computers is available from the company. Specifications include information on the keyboard, the software support needed, and disk storage.

The PC/4000 itself supports portable printing; is battery powered; and has keys that are widely spaced, enabling use bygloved hands.

Circle No. 54 on Reader Service Card


Literature is available on the Mars “888” Traffic Breaker, a warning light that produces a distinctive light pattern that instantly commands the attention of on-coming traffic and cross traffic at intersections.

Specifications include mounting information (flush or pedestal). as well as data on the lens, lamp, amp draw, voltage, and finish.

Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card


Literature is available on three cascade systems from Breathing Air Systems.

There’s information on the company’s 6000 psi system #2, which has four tanks and 1,720 cu. ft. storage; 4500 psi system #5-R with four tanks, 1800 cu. ft. storage and an adjustable regulator with gauges; and a 4500 psi system with four tanks and 1800 cu. ft. storage. Purchasing specifications for each system are included.

Circle No. 58 on Reader Service Card


Two color brochures on Nederman Inc.’s exhaust extraction equipment —one on overhead rails, the other on overhead hose reels—are available from the company.

The rail brochure provides information on a straight rail, a return rail, and the company’s exhaust extractor rail for vertical exhaust pipes. The second brochure describes three models of hose reels: spring-loaded, manually operated; motor-driven control, switch operated; and motor-driven wireless, remote control.

Circle No. 64 on Reader Service Card


Snorkel elevating platform apparatus are described in an eightpage. color brochure from the company.

The brochure describes the advantages of Snorkel’s elevating platform, such as one-hand control; two-way speaker; two gates for easy entry and exit; and a Thandle safety by-pass valve, which allows the operator to deactivate platform control. Four models are described.

Grele No. 65 on Reader Service Cord

NJ Apartment Building Fire Displaces 41, Sends One to Hospital

A fire tore through the top floor of an apartment building on Palisade Avenue in Bogota on Sunday.

Providence (RI) Firefighter Pinned by Sliding Fire Truck During Snowstorm

A Providence firefighter was pinned between a fire engine and a parked car early Sunday morning when the truck got stuck and slid into the…