Molly’s Road Trip, Part 2

Hi, boys and girls!


Welcome to Molly’s Kids Zone on!


My name is Molly, and I am a real fire dog. I love teaching fire safety to children.


One of the things I like about being a fire dog and mascot is being able to travel the United States sharing fire safety with boys and girls just like you!



Molly’s Road Trip, Part 2


During the month of April, I traveled across the United States–twice!


The first part of my pawsome journey took me from Clarksville, Arkansas, to Washington, D.C., and the second part of my trip took me from Washington, D.C., all the way to Los Angeles!




Bucket List


A “Bucket List” is a list you make that has some things you would like to do during your lifetime. My list includes things I have been dreaming of doing since I was a puppy!


Here are a few items on my list (things that I have done on my list are checked off!):


1) Help save lives and keep everyone safe

2) Travel the U.S. teaching fire safety in a big bus

3) Have my own children’s fire safety book

4) Be on the TV show Chicago Fire

5) Meet Derek Haas, co-creator of Chicago Fire   

6) Meet Rachael Ray and help raise awareness about the importance of fire safety

7) Do an event for firefighters with Denis Leary

8) “Throw” out the first pitch at a Major or Minor League Baseball game   

9) Be on a national TV show sharing fire safety   

10) Model on a runway in NYC   

11) Be in a movie (coming soon!)

12) Break a world record   

13) Attend a fashion show during New York Fashion Week

14) Walk the red carpet at a movie premier (coming soon!)

15) Visit the Wal-Mart Museum   

16) Travel to another country teaching fire safety


While I was in LA, I crossed off not only ONE item on my bucket list but TWO! I was so happy!


First, I went to the “Super Power Your Dog Day” in Los Angeles and helped break a Guinness Book of World Record with 107 of my fur friends and their humans!


See if you can find me in the photo below!

Helping set a Guinness World Record in Los Angeles!


I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to IMAX “Superpower Dogs” Film Producers George Duffield (film-maker), Dominic Cunningham-Reid, Taran Davies and Director Daniel Ferguson.



Then, I was a background extra in the filming of the upcoming IMAX 3D movie by Cosmic Pictures, Superpower Dogs!


On the set of the upcoming IMAX movie, “Superpower Dogs,” in Los Angeles. (Photo by Margarete Po.)



Superpower Dogs will premiere in IMAX theatres in March 2019. The movie will share real stories about dogs who save lives, protect people from danger, and make the world a better place, like my good friend and one of the stars of the movie, Surf Dog Richochet!



I can’t wait to attend the movie premiere and walk the red carpet in Beverly Hills!



Hello, Mollywood!


I loved visiting Mollywood! I mean, Hollywood! BOL!


Loved meeting “Marilyn” at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre! She was so sweet!



While in California, I took a tour of the first Los Angeles Fire Station, the Old Plaza Firehouse, built in 1884, and boy, did I ever have fun!


If you are ever in the area, you can tour it at no cost.


Plaza Fire House. LA’s first fire station!





This time of year, boys and girls, grown-ups like to grill outside.



Here are some fire safety tips to share with them!


· Only use the grill outside, and be sure it is away from structures.

· Clean grills often.

· Have a three-foot “safe zone” around the grill for pets and children.





Hope to see you this year at one of these events!    


> July 22, Arkansas Naturals Ballgame, Arvest Ballpark, Springdale, AR










Ask your grown-up to download my activity book, send a photo of you with one of the coloring pages, and I will send you a trading card!


One of you will have your photo in next month’s column!


Have fun coloring!


(Photo by Jana Braswell.)




Click on my photo to download my new fire safety activity book!


Find more fun pages like these HERE.


Stay safe, boys and girls, and I will see you next month!


Have a safe and Happy New Year!




Molly the Fire Safety Dog

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