Nassau County Firefighters Museum in Garden City has invited a mortgage expert from Evolve Bank & Trust to speak with Nassau County firefighters and their families at a special session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25th.
As many young firefighters find homeownership on Long Island prohibitively expensive, they relocate to less costly parts of the country – taking with them the valuable firefighter training obtained at Long Island’s local volunteer fire departments. Evolve Bank & Trust, a supporter of the Firefighters Museum, sought to help with this issue once it was brought to their attention.
Thomas M. Sullivan, CPA, the LPO Manager of Evolve Bank & Trust is a Long Island resident with broad experience in mortgages. He will provide attending firefighters with information on options and opportunities, during a realistic overview of the Long Island home-buying landscape. Topics will include first-time homebuyer programs; an overview of the different traditional loan programs such as conventional, FHA, VA, plus things to consider when deciding between a house, condo or co-op. This program will be of great interest to first-time home buyers and single buyers, as well as young families and couples.
The free information session is open to the first responding First Responders! Seating capacity is 50 persons and the general public may attend if there is room available. RSVP via email to or call (516) 572-4177, ext. 4.
Evolve Bank & Trust will donate $500.00 to the Nassau County Firefighters Museum & Education Center for every mortgage client from this event or the Museum.
Tom Sullivan, a graduate of C.W. Post, has earned a reputation as a “mortgage professor” among many of his customers. He expanded the mortgage lending operation of Evolve Bank & Trust to New York five years ago. Prior to that Tom was a manager with KPMG with a focus on banks for seven years, serving clients throughout Long Island. Previously Tom was part of senior management and instrumental in expanding the mortgage operation into twenty four states for Long Island Savings Bank, FSB. Tom has also served as the President and CEO of Roslyn National Mortgage Corporation (a subsidiary of Roslyn Savings Bank) where he expanded their operation into eighteen states. Tom also served as CFO of a nationwide lender and has held other senior positions in the industry.
Tom’s ties to the fire department date back to his childhood in North Massapequa. His father served 25 years in the FDNY and was a captain when he retired. While his father passed away when Tom was a teenager, he never lost his passion for the fire service and appreciation of all that it represents. It is for this reason that Tom became a supporter of the Nassau County Firefighters Museum & Education Center. He continues in his strong belief of the importance of fire safety education from both a prevention and life-saving standpoint. Tom also is proud to support the museum as both a tribute to the commitment and sacrifices made by so many dedicated firefighters throughout Nassau County, as well as a way of preserving the history of the fire service.
Museum board member James Cammarata, an expert real estate attorney and an Oyster Bay volunteer firefighter/AEMT since 1979 will also be a part of the information session, speaking on the process of buying a home.