Four members of the Adams Area Fire District (Mars, Pennsylvania) are the recipients of the 2011 Fireslayer of the Year Award for their rescue of Mike Rupert, MSA’s Product Group Manager for First Responder Products, from a fiery crash last May. Chief Al Minjock, Lieutenants Talo Capuzzi and Doug Mellinger, and Firefighter Jeff Leonberg received the award at a special ceremony at FDIC 2011.
Rupert was driving to work at MSA’s Cranberry Township headquarters when a pickup truck crossed the double yellow line and hit his vehicle head on. Rupert was trapped inside as the vehicle burst into flames. With burns over 80 percent of his body, doctors estimated his chance to survive as one in ten. Rupert beat the odds and is now rehabilitating. In a brief recorded message to the FDIC audience he thanked the firefighters for saving his life. Visit to see more of this story.