Ohio Senator SHERROD BROWN and Colorado Representative ED PERLMUTTER have introduced the Firefighter Fatality Reduction Act of 2009. This legislation promotes firefighter safety by directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to conduct a survey to determine the level of firefighter compliance with national voluntary consensus standards as well as determining what barriers may exist that prevent them from meeting these standards. The bill also directs the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) to develop a task force to determine the rate of fire department compliance with standards for safe operations, staffing, training, and fitness among career, volunteer, and combination fire departments.
Retired San Ramon Valley (CA) Fire Protection District Fire Marshal RICK TERRY received the William E. Fox Award from the California Fire Prevention Institute. The award recognizes career service, leadership, fire service dedication, and the safeguarding of life and fire protection, and has only been presented twice in the past 14 years. This is the first time it was awarded to a Northern California section member. Terry is the only recipient of the California Fire Chiefs Association to ever be awarded both the Charlie Gray and William E. Fox awards.