Five students in Worcester, MA, Polytechnic Institute’s master’s degree program in fire protection engineering have been inducted into the Salamander Honorary Fire Protection Engineering Society:

Eugene A. Cable of Rutland, VT, has a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and is participating in a graduate internship with the Boston Fire Department.

Nicholas Cricenti of Bow, NH, has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and has served as a research assistant for a U.S. Coast Guard research program underway at Worcester Polytechnic.

Peter F. Johnson of Victoria, Australia, has a B.S. degree in physics and recently won the Harry C. Bigglestone Award for excellence in the communication of fire protection concepts.

Alexander Klein of Framingham, MA, has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and works for the Yankee Atomic Corporation.

Hong Mui, a native of Hong Kong, has a bachelor of engineering degree.

The Salamander Society, named for a mythical creature that rose from the ashes like the phoenix and could withstand fire without harm, was founded in 1923 at the Armour Institute of Technology (now the Illinois Institute of Technology) to promote scholarship and original investigation in fire protection engineering. Members are chosen on the basis of high academic achievement.

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Building Severely Damaged in Mason City (IA) Recyling Fire Friday Night

A large building at Mason City Recycling Center was heavily damaged in a fire Friday night.