Ronald W. Bogardus, who served as the California state fire marshal since March 1983, returned to his former position as Oxnard, CA, fire chief. Bogardus said that he accomplished the goals that he set when he became state fire marshal and is “ready to go home.”
Mr. Bogardus was instrumental in getting legislation passed in the area of fire safety. California now exercises safety regulatory and enforcement authority over intrastate pipelines through the implementation of the federal Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act; local jurisdictions have the right to ban the sale of fireworks; smoke detectors are required in all single and multiple family dwellings; and convicted arsonists are required to register with local law enforcement agencies.
Fire service training opportunities were also improved under Bogardus’ direction, with an increase in the number of courses offered and the establishment of a regional training center in Sacramento.
Melvin S. Abrams, a consultant and associate with Muenow and Associates in Wheeling, IL, was named the 1984 recipient of the American Society for Testing and Materials S. H. Ingberg Award.
The award was established to recognize outstanding achievements in fire resistance research, fire loss prevention, and the development of standards relating to fire tests.
William A. Hagevig (left), Alaska’s state director of fire service training, was presented with a certificate of appreciation by Joseph L. Donovan, superintendent of the National Fire Academy, upon his retirement last January. Mr. Hagevig, whose fire service career spans 30 years, was one of the strongest proponents for the establishment of the National Fire Academy. Mr. Hagevig, a highly respected member of the fire service, has been described as an innovative leader and “a real spark plug” for fire service training.
Paul M. Hess has been appointed manager of the Emergency Management Division of Orange County, CA. Under the direction of Larry J. Holms, director of fire services, Mr. Hess assumes the responsibility of disaster planning and response for the protection of Orange County’s two-million residents. Mr. Hess was formerly director of the Office of Emergency Government in Fond Du Lac County, WI. He served as president and treasurer of the Wisconsin Emergency Management Association and was a member of the Wisconsin Emergency Police Services Program. Mr. Hess is a graduate of the National Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, MD, and has received the outstanding achievement award.
Byron Chaney, fire chief of Palm Springs, CA, Fire Department since 1976, retired after 34 years in the fire service. Chief Chaney was involved in the U.S. Fire Administration’s master planning methodology studies and has served on national advisory boards on master planning. He also directed the development of a comprehensive fire protection master plan for Palm Springs, and was involved in developing the concept of Municipal Fire Insurance from which emerged the Cooperative Homeowners Insurance Program (CHIP). Chief Chaney helped write two 12-hour outreach courses for the National Fire Academy, fire risk analysis and community fire defenses.