Names in the News: February 20, 2022

This bi-weekly series is dedicated to the latest promotions and other news within the fire service.

WILLIE MASON JR. was hired as the new chief of the Selma (AL) Fire Department (SFD) on February 17. Mason is a 16-year SFD member and a fire investigator. He also proctors firefighter’s exams and teaches classes of recruits for the Alabama Fire College. Mason earned a fire science degree from Columbia Southern University, an associate’s of arts and science from Wallace Community College—Selma, and a bachelor’s degree in business from Troy University.

CODY HERCAMP took over as the new chief of the Hamilton Township (IN) Volunteer Fire Department (HTVFD) in Cortland. He succeeds former HTVFD Chief Donald Schnitker, who retired in December 2021 after 34 years in the position. Hercamp has been with the HTVFD since 2001 and has served as the department’s deputy chief since 2018. He also worked for Jackson County (IN) Emergency Medical Services for 12 years and has been a firefighter/paramedic for the Columbus (IN) Fire Department for seven years.

HOLGER DURRE will take over as the new chief of the Prescott (AZ) Fire Department (PFD) on March 14. Durre is a 26-year public safety veteran with experience in emergency medical services, fire suppression, community risk reduction, administration, and labor relations. He most recently served as deputy chief for support services at Boulder (CO) Fire-Rescue after spending most of his career at fire agencies in Fort Collins. He is a credentialed Chief Fire Officer through the Center for Public Safety Excellence and serves as an adjunct faculty member at Colorado State University, where he teaches in the fire service management program.

BEN JANES was officially named the new chief of the Corvallis (OR) Fire Department (CFD) after serving for three months as the department’s interim chief. He is a 21-year CFD member who began there as a volunteer firefighter in September 2001. Janes then moved into a paid position the following year and worked his way up the ranks, eventually becoming a fire prevention assistant, firefighter, lieutenant, battalion chief, and deputy chief. He is a graduate of Linn-Benton Community College and Oregon State University.

RODERICK JOLIVETTE was sworn in as the first-ever black chief of Douglas County (GA) Fire/EMS Services on February 17. Jolivette is a 37-year fire service veteran who previously served as the chief of the Cairo (GA) and Manchester (GA) Fire Departments. Before his time in the fire service, Jolivette was in the U.S. Navy’s nuclear submarine division. He was honorably discharged in 1985. Jolivette takes over the position from former Douglas County Fire Chief Scott E. Spencer, who retired after 44 years of service to the community.

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Names in the News: February 6, 2022

Names in the News: January 23, 2022

Names in the News: January 9, 2022

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