Firefighters Control Fast-Moving Nash County (NC) House Fire

Firefighters work at the scene of a house fire


Photos by Bob Bartosz, Nash County (NC) Fire Photographer

On April 29, 2019, Nash County firefighters were dispatched to a working house fire on 4100 block Castalia Road. Responding units were Nash County (NC) Station 7 Castalia, Statiion 12 Red Oak, Station 14 Nashville, Station 17 Momeyer, Nash EMS, and sheriff units.

First-in companies found heavy smoke showing and stretched two 1¾-inch lines to made an aggressive interior attack. Firefighters found fire showing through the roof and were forced back out to make an exterior attack. There were no fire hydrants in the area.

Station 12 had dispatched a pumper to a large pond 1½ miles away to supply water for the tankers.

Firefighters tried again to make a interior attack but the fire was a few feet ahead of them.all the time. The majority of the roof was now on fire. It took 35 firefighters more than 2½ hours to bring the fire under control. There were no reported injuries. Firefighters remained on the scene for two more hours hitting hot spots, picking up equipment, and securing the area.


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