New Health and Wellness Coordinator for the Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation

The Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation (FFCF) wishes to introduce its new Health and Wellness Coordinator, Coach John Hofman, CSCS, MS. Coach Hofman is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, has a Masters in Kinesiology, and is one of the leading experts in the field of firefighter health and wellness. Hofman is also a USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach, USA Track and Field Level 1 Coach, ACE Peer Fitness Trainer, and can administrate Functional Movement Screens to detect problems with mobility. Not surprisingly, John is a knowledgeable speaker, who gives presentations on a variety of firefighter health and wellness topics, such as Fire Ground Rehabilitation, Low Back Injuries, and Developing a Health and Wellness Program. Hofman has recently published a book entitled, Beyond the Turnouts, A Comprehensive Guide to Firefighter Health and Wellness, which you can purchase in paperback or for your Kindle.

As the strength and conditioning coach for the Sacramento Fire Department (SFD) in California, John Hofman‘s responsibilities include overseeing the Wellness Centre; coordinating SFD’s medical and fitness assessments; assisting the department’s twenty certified Peer Fitness Trainers; developing recruit fitness training and pre-employment medical/fitness evaluations. In addition, Hofman works as the strength and conditioning coach for the California Regional Fire Academy, Sierra Fire Technology Program, Rocklin Fire Department, and South Placer Fire District. He also acts as a consultant for the Fire Agency Self Insurance System of California.

Jim Plieth, President of FFCF, was impressed by one of Hofman’s articles featured on Fire He brought it to the attention of Cindy Ell, FFCF’s Executive Director. They agreed upon contacting Hofman about joining forces with the foundation. John was honored to be a part of such a great cause, especially since he currently happened to be working to rehabilitate a firefighter recovering from cancer. He emphatically stated, “The fire service has a special place in my heart, and although I am not a firefighter, they are my family–as their coach its my job to help take care of them.”

tacoma (wa) firing range

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