Donovan Receives Award

Joseph L. Donovan, superintendent of Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, MD, received “The Everett Hudiburg Award” at IFSTA’s annual conference in Stillwater, OK. The award is presented annually in recognition of significant contributions to firefighter training on a national basis. Key factors in Donovan’s selection were his contributions as a state academy instructor, state director of fire training, chairman of an IFSTA validation committee “and the outstanding job as superintendent of the National Fire Academy,” according to the executive director of IFSTA.

Two Found Dead in St. Paul (MN) Garage Fire After a Space Heater Was Tipped Over

Two adults were found dead on Sunday after a garage caught fire on St. Paul’s East Side.

CA Firefighters Rescue Tree Trimmer Left Dangling 25 Feet in the Air by Powerline Shock

A man trimming trees in Los Angeles required rescue after his pole became entangled in high-voltage power lines.