Lifesaver Contest
Have you used your Lifegard personal distress device today? A search for the most interesting and unusual story describing an incident in which a Lifegard PDD helped to locate a firefighter in trouble, is being conducted by The Antenna Specialists Co.
Submitters of fully documented examples will receive a free Lifegard unit. The story found to be the most interesting and vivid example of the device’s importance to firefighter safety will receive a color TV and video recorder for the firehouse. Each story should contain verifiable names and addresses of individual firefighters involved directly in the incident. Snapshots of those involved in the incident should also be included and the story should be countersigned by a company officer. Entries must be submitted by December 31, 1984, to: Lifegard Lifesaver Con, test, c/o The Antenna Specialists Co., 12435 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH ‘ 44106. Writing style will not be judged.
Renovation at PA Fire Academy
Gov. Dick Thornburgh has proposed a , $300,000 renovation program at the Pennsylvania State fire Academy to -upgrade facilities and provide accommodations for female firefighters.
More than 8,000 firefighters completed training at the State Fire Academy last year. Week-long courses address equipment use, fire suppression techniques, rescue, fire command and control, and other specialized areas.
First Fire Data Award Goes to NY
The New York Department of State’s Office of Fire Prevention and Control has won an award for excellence in fire data collection and analysis from TriData Corporation.
The New York Office of Fire Prevention and Control is the central data collection agency for the fire service of the state. OFPC collects and analyzes fire data from over 1,900 fire departments, 33 correctional facilities, and mental health and retardation and developmental disability facilities.
FEMA Evaluates Training Program
Until this year, FEMA provided institute field courses through state cooperative agreements and training contracts administered by FEMA regional offices. Now, the FEMA regions will administer and evaluate training programs rather than conduct them.
Under the new emphasis, state emergency management offices will set training priorities and submit funding proposals to FEMA for evaluation.