Nonthreaded Couplings Save Time

Nonthreaded Couplings Save Time


Conventional threaded couplings are converted to sexless quarter-turn couplings with 3-inch adapters.Quarter-turn adapters are attached to appliances and nozzles to give attack flexibility.

by Randy Watts, IFPA.

Rear preconnect also has an adapter. In this case piping from the pump was also 3-inch.

Threaded fire hose couplings have been a problem to the fire service for years. Not only are there problems in compatibility between varying thread specifications, but they also necessitate the use of adapters and fittings, taking excessive time on the fireground.

Faced with the desire to increase fire attack efficiency even with reduced manpower levels, several Cumberland County engine companies recently applied existing technology to improve on the threaded coupling.

In developing standard operational procedures for tanker shuttles that have delivered as much as 1400 gpm for some incidents, it was realized that an inordinate amount of time was being wasted connecting and disconnecting fill lines. Frequently as much as 1 1/2 minutes were wasted just making threaded connections.

Looking at the 5-inch line coming from the fill site engine suggested the solution: quarter-turn sexless couplings. By attaching a quarter-turn adapter on the threaded intake of the tanker and another on the 3-inch line from the large-diameter-hose manifold, it was possible to reduce the makeand-break time at the fill site to less than 10 seconds.

It was also obvious that the utility of quarter-turn couplings could be adapted to other evolutions. Since most engine companies carry a 3-inch preconnect for standpipe support or portable standpipe evolutions, a 2 1/2-inch threaded by 3inch quarter-turn adapter was placed on it. Quarter-turn fittings were also placed on a water thief, 2 1/2-inch-playpipe and a two-inlet master stream. These appliances were then all mounted on the rear step for accessibility.

Now, in addition to its complement of preconnected attack lines and wagon pipe, the engine company can also quickly place a standpipe line, tanker fill line, additional attack line or portable master stream in operation in less than a minute with two men. In fact, the master stream has already proven its value in both attack and exposure protection situations.

The cost of quarter-turn adapters is minimal. By using them any department-rural, suburban or urban-can easily overcome the problems of threaded fittings without changing a single fitting or traditional hose coupling.

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