Indianapolis, Indiana – The Not in Our House, firefighter cancer awareness campaign, was launched at the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) to increase awareness about the issue of firefighter cancer with a call to action to sign a pledge of safety.
Not in Our House focuses on the importance of firefighter safety. Through the campaign website, firefighters are asked to make every effort to protect themselves, their team, and their families from harmful cancer causing carcinogens by signing the pledge.
To support those efforts, Not in Our House provides downloadable resources, awareness statistics, and an outlet to share personal firefighter cancer stories.
The potential threat of cancer was publicly recognized after firefighter exposure to the Sept. 11 World Trade Center site cleanup.
“Historically, dirty gear, and not using your protective self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) was a badge of honor. We didn’t know we were at risk, but wow, we definitely know now as cancer is the #1 killer of firefighters,” explained Billy Goldfeder, deputy chief of Loveland-Symmes (OH) Fire Department.
“We are just beginning to understand the horrific magnitude of the problem, the depth of our naiveté, the challenges involved and the changes required in education, training, operations, medical screenings and personal accountability to effectively address cancer in the fire service,” FCSN, Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service, 2013.
“LION, stands behind cancer awareness, because it aligns with LION’s mission to fulfill the personal safety of first responders.
We’ve already begun partnerships with industry organizations such as the: National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Firefighter Cancer Support Network, and the National Volunteer Fire Council. As founding partner of Not in Our House, we welcome other industry organizations to partner with the campaign,” Mark Smith, Senior Vice President, LION.
To learn more about the campaign, and the issue of cancer in firefighters, visit
About LION
LION is a family owned, global business headquartered in Dayton, Ohio that has been operating continuously since 1898. Municipal, state, federal and military agencies are its primary customers throughout the world. Its mission is to fulfill its customers’ personal safety, readiness and identity needs with innovative, game-changing solutions. LION is the world’s largest supplier of structural fire personal protective clothing for first responders, as well as a leading provider of cutting-edge training products and facilities through its BullEx and HAAGEN companies. Through traditional contracting and public-private partnership arrangements, customers rely on LION TotalCare® and LION LVI to manage the lifecycle of their uniforms, protective equipment and training products. For more information, please visit our website at