By Claire Diab and Dennis Boyle
Inversions are poses where the heart is elevated above the head. There are various poses in Yoga that invert the heart in this manner such as headstand, downward dog, fish pose and child’s pose. These poses have been found to nourish the skin, and have been said to provide lasting, youthful benefits, as well as improving the circulation of blood to the heart. These inversions are a natural way to obtain beautiful, healthy, glowing skin. With continued practice, inversions may help to fill in lines and wrinkles. Inversions ease the appearance of bags and give a smooth radiant texture to the skin.
As firefighters, your eyesight is an important aspect of your job. Interestingly enough, inversions have also played an important part in helping to nourish the muscles around the eyes. With this influx of blood to the brain, the toxins to the face are eliminated and the cells are nourished, stimulating the muscles around the eye orbit called the obicularis oculi muscles. In addition to providing the muscle cells with better blood perfusion, the blood supply to the vasculature system of the eye is also improved. The eyes are the organs which allow the intellectual understanding of the mind to convert things to into the visually physical world around us. Without the healthy perfusion of blood throughout the eyes vasculature system, oxidative stress can occur. Oxidative stress can occur when there is a lack of detoxifying the blood. The body has the natural ability to produce antioxidants which aid in the elimination of free radicals. Inadequate levels of antioxidants in our blood can trigger degeneration of cells and tissues in the eye. Oxidative stress can occur from excess light levels, the sun, and other external oxidants. The eye relies on proper blood circulation and oxygenation to prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and blindness from occurring. Proper practice of inversion poses will make your eyes sparkle and shine. Here is an easy and very powerful pose to do every day. Enjoy!
Child’s Pose / Table Pose
Child’s Pose Table Pose Child’s Pose
Breathe 6-9 breaths Inhale Exhale
Repeat 6-9 times
- Come into Child’s Pose. Sitting back on your heels, rest your forehead on your towel or mat.
- Your arms are extended out in front of you with your palms turned down; elbows are relaxed and on the floor.
- Breathe in and out of your nostrils 6-9 deep breaths.
- Relax all the muscles in your face and enjoy the inversion.
- Slowly and gently rock your upper body side to side.
- Next come into Table Pose on your hands and knees. Make sure your wrists are in line with your shoulders and your knees are in line with your hips.
- Inhale in Table Pose.
- Exhale, Child’s Pose
- Create a rhythm moving back and forth inhaling Table Pose exhaling Child’s Pose 6-9 times.
- Rest in Child’s Pose, breathing deeply for three to five minutes.
- Lengthens the muscles around the spine.
- Nourishes and massages the internal abdominal organs.
- Increases blood flow to the muscles and nerves in the face.
- Nourishes the brain.
- Strengthens the shoulders and chest (Table Pose).
Safety Tips
- If your knees bother you, avoid this pose or bring knees apart and do not sit all the way back on your heels.
- If you have a head cold or sinus condition, keep your head elevated with a rolled up towel, or stack one hand on top of the other and rest your forehead on your hands.