By Claire Diab and Dennis Boyle
Making nourishing choices for your body and mind is an intelligent decision. Your body is a magnificent machine that carries you around all day. Your body is truly a miracle. Have gratitude for all the systems of your body, muscles, bones, respiratory and circulatory systems, and organs and glands. With awareness of your magnificent body and daily care, you will add life to your years and years to your life. In yoga, the poses we practice have innumerable benefits. Today we will discuss Bridge Pose. Bridge Pose is a powerful yet simple pose that nourishes and massages the thyroid gland.
The thyroid gland is found at the bottom front of the neck. It is important; its function is to help speed up metabolism, increasing the amount of calories burned, which may help lead to overall weight loss. The thyroid gland controls how the body chemically processes food and then converts it to energy. Relaxing the thyroid gland naturally produces a steady, more consistent, metabolism. The thyroid gland also plays an important role in its secretion of calcitonin, which is a hormone that stimulates bone cells to add calcium to our bones. Regulation of blood calcium levels keeps bones healthy and strong. The thyroid gland can also help to stimulate an underactive thyroid, helping to improve digestion for those people with digestive problems.
Bridge Pose is an inversion, which simply means the heart is higher than the head. Regular practice of Bridge Pose will also give you other benefits, which includes expanding the chest and lungs for better breathing capacity. You will also strengthen the gluteus, legs, and ankles and increase oxygen and circulation to a variety of areas in the body. Practice on a consistent basis, and you will notice the benefits of an improved metabolism and much more!
Remember, when practicing yoga, go at your own pace, relax your jaw, and have a pleasant look on your face. Enjoy!
Lying down Breathe 6-9 breaths |
Raise hips up Breathe 6-9 breaths |
Lower hips down Bring knees to chest |
- Lying down, bend both knees with your feet flat on the floor. Breathe in and out 6-9 times. (Make sure ankles are under the knees.)
- Exhaling, lift your hips toward the sky. Interlace your fingers, palms toward each other. Keep your head on your mat with your chin toward your belly. Breathe deeply, 6-9 breaths.
- Lower your hips down. Bring your knees toward your chest, rocking right and left, breathing in and out.
- Repeat this sequence 2-3 times.
- Strengthens the muscles around the spine and legs.
- Nourishes and massages the liver and kidneys.
- Nourishes your thyroid.
- Increases blood flow to the muscles and nerves in the face.
Safety Tips:
- If your back bothers you, just rest with your knees to your chest, rocking right and left.
- Avoid this pose if you have back or knee pain.
Claire Diab is an internationally recognized Yoga therapist. She is the director of the Yoga Program for the Chopra Center founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. She is an adjunct professor of Asian Studies at Seton Hall University. She is the author of several books and DVDs on Yoga including “Yoga For Firefighters.”
Dennis Boyle is a retired fire director and acting chief with the West Orange (NJ) Fire Department. He was the recipient of the 1999 New Jersey Deputy Fire Chiefs “Fire Officer of the Year” award.