NVFC Announces Winners of National Junior Firefighter Scholarships

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), in partnership with Baskin-Robbins®, has selected 10 outstanding junior firefighters to receive a $5,000 scholarship through the National Junior Firefighter Program. This was the second year that the program has honored ten exceptional applicants with scholarships.

“We are thrilled with the number of high quality applications we received from juniors and Explorers nationwide,” said NVFC Executive Director Heather Schafer. “It was a difficult task, but the Scholarship Review Committee ultimately selected 10 applicants who serve as truly inspirational examples of what it means to be a junior firefighter. These 10 individuals have gone above and beyond in their dedication to the fire and emergency services. We are proud to partner with Baskin-Robbins to award these scholarships.”

Junior firefighters and Explorers from across the U.S. and Canada applied for the 2009 scholarships. Awards were selected based on intent to continue in the fire service, how junior firefighting has impacted the applicant, and financial need, among other criteria.

“Baskin-Robbins is pleased to join the National Volunteer Fire Council in rewarding these selfless students for their commitment to fire service,” said Srinivas Kumar, Global Brand Officer for Baskin-Robbins. “These ten junior firefighters exemplify a deep commitment to keeping their communities safe.”

The NVFC has also partnered with the Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation to provide ten $5,000 grants to fire departments to help further develop or expand their local junior firefighter program. The deadline for the grant applications is August 15. Learn more and apply at www.nvfc.org/juniors.

The National Junior Firefighter Program and Baskin-Robbins thank every junior firefighter and Explorer who applied for one of the competitive scholarships. Visit http://www.nvfc.org/index.php?item_id=1016&action=show_item&type=news for the complete list of recipients.

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.