NVFC sets agenda for 1999
At its annual Fall meeting in Rhode Island in October, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) adopted its agenda for this year. Its legislative priorities include the following:
Introduce “Helping Hands” legislation, which would exempt corporate equipment donors from liability for equipment donated to fire departments. The NVFC will seek a sponsor for this legislation for the 106th Congress.
Continue to fight for additional funding of the Volunteer Fire Assistance program, which was funded at $2 million for FY1999. The NVFC will seek $10 million in funding for FY 2000 and $15 million for FY 2001.
Renew its efforts to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act so that firefighters will be allowed to volunteer without subjecting municipalities to penalties under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Continue to monitor the ambulance restocking and tax-exempt financing of EMS equipment. Grassroots support for these issues must be increased in the coming congressional session. NVFC staff will monitor and reevaluate their status as circumstances warrant.
In addition, the NVFC will monitor the following: wireless communications initiatives, the Internal Revenue Service`s interpretation of “Unrelated Business Income,” children`s sleepwear safety regulations, the Public Safety Officer`s Medal of Valor legislation, and the 21st Century Fire and Public Safety Act (if it is not reintroduced by Congressman Pascrell).
The following awards were presented at the NVFC Fall meeting:
Firefighter of the Year–William Wutz of Williamsville, New York. A 54-year veteran of the fire service, Wutz has been a member of the Hutchinson (NY) Hose Company since 1944. He has held various offices and positions, including those of treasurer of the Erie County (NY) Volunteer Firemen`s Association. He is a member of the New York Volunteer Firemen`s Association and Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen and a trustee of the Firemen`s Home.
Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year–Chief Phil Stittleburg of LaFarge, Wisconsin. He is a partner in Jenkins and Stittleburg law firm and assistant district attorney for Vernon County. He formerly served as president of the National Volunteer Fire Council Foundation. n