There are hundreds of old fire vamps not only in the city of New York, but throughout the United States, who look back with no ordinary degree of pride to the palmy days of the Volunteers. Notwithstanding the ups and downs that they passed through while in active service, there were many pleasant re-unions, the recollections of which cannot but recall old friends, many of whom have “gone to that bourne from whence no traveler returns,” while others are scattered over various sections of our country. We have therefore concluded to recall those many interesting events, some of which will appear in each number of the JOURNAL.

Among the rank and file of the old Department could ho found statesmen, judges, hankers, and merchants; in fact, no Department in the world ever had so many prominont citizens. Thirty years ago one would have beon looked upon as of little or no account if lie did not belong to a Fire Company, and it was a pride to have hanging upon ono’s walls one of those neat little Fire certificates, executed by that veteran Fireman, Samuel Maverick. A Fireman’s life, while it was then attended with many arduous duties, embraced many pleasant events, which are still fresh in the memory of hundreds of New Yorkers. Could the walls of old Tammany Hall (now the Sun building), the Apollo, or City Assembly Rooms, speak, they could “ many a tail unfold ” of such re-unions. All that now remains of the old 1 )epartment is the mammoth silk banner, which hangs up in an old, dingy looking glass case, on the top floor of Fireman’s Hall. It was tbe gift of the city, the presentation taking place on the occasion of the last triennial parade, over eighteen years ago, October 17, 1859. The gift was made in front of the City Hall, while the parade outdid any thing of the kind ever known in New York before. Full seven thousand men were in line, and such a display of fancy carriages, engines, and trucks was never witnessed. Full one hundred and fifty companies constituted the procession, tho men all uniformed in red shirts. As early as six A. M. companies were out receiving guests from other cities ; tho banner presentation taking place at nine o’clock, in the presence of several companies and the officers of the Department, the Mayor, and Common Council. Among those that took part were such men as David Millikeu, of Hose 40, and President of the Department ; A. F. Ockenhausen, the great sugar merchant; Albert J. Delatour, of Wall Street; ex-Mayor Wm. II. Wickham, of Hook and Ladder 15; old Uncle Dave Theall (deceased); Robert McGinnis, now of the Building Bureau ; .Tamos Baromoro, Fire Commissioner; Tom Lawrence (deceased); John R.Platt, tho glass merchant; ex-Presidont Henry Wilson, of the Board of Fire Commissioners; tho present Fire Commissioner, John J. Gorman ; Robert C. Brown, EftginoH; Alonzo and Daniol Slote, Commissioner Edward Bronnoll; R. P. li. Able, of Engine 98; Ralph Trembly; John Gillohan ; President V. C. King, of the present department, and of old 23 Hose; John Carland; Henry A. Burr; William Haw, Jr.; Sam Thomson; exChief Engineers, Uzziah W. Wenman, Alfred Cai’son, and Janies Gulick; Judge A. A. Philips, of Engine 40 (deceased); ox-Comptroller Matthew T. Brennan, of Engine 21, and his brother, Owen Brennan ; ex-Shoriff Wm. Conner; ex-Coroner Robert Gamble, of Hook and Ladder 16; Samuol Conover, now President of the Produce Bank, then Foreman of Hose 38; A. P. Moriarity, the painter; John Creighton, and many others of note that we might name had we the space. Mayor Tiemann presented the banner, which was duly received by David Milliken. Harry Howard, Hook and Ladder 11, having been selected to carry the banner throughout the parade.

After the presentation, Qpiumbia Engine 15 escorted the banner company to the line of march on Fifth Avenue. As it passed the companies a perfect ovation greeted it. In size it was the largest ever presented on the street, being full twenty feet in height, and requiring eigli t men to carry it. The veteran Harry Howard was then Chief Engineer; John H. Cregier and John Baulch, the latter now Chief Engineer of tho Fire Department at Fortress Monroe, acting as chief aids. There were eleven Divisions, the First being under command of ex-Cluef Engineer John Decker, which was composed of tho following companies; Massachusetts Hook and Ladder, of Charles ton, Mass.; Nepture Hose, of Newburg Union Hose, of Philadelphia; Hook and Ladder 2, of Brooklyn; American Engine Co., of Newark ; Damper Engine 4, of Hartford; Eagle Hnae, I, of Paterson; Reigngold Ilose, of Nowburg; Engine 8, of Boston ; Engine J,ofRoxVmry, Mass , Hook and Ladder 2, of Newark; Hose 40, of Philadelphia; Engine 2, of Roxbury and David Crockett Hook and Ladder, of Newark.

The second Division was in charge of Engineer Poter V. Cornnel), in which was tho ox-Cliief Engineers, tho exempts, the Cornmissoners, and tho new Banner. Engiuoer Elisha Kingsland commanded tho third Division, and Wm. T. Mawby the fourth. Engineer Timothy L. West led the fifth; and Engineer Edward Jacobs the sixth. Pheonix Hose, 22, made a very neat appearanco in this division, commanded by Col. W. It. W. Chambers. Engineer Joseph Bush marshalled the seventh. ExAldorman John Brice the eight, Daniel Donovan tho ninth, little Billy llackett tho tenth, and Stephen Mitchell the eleventh. Among those that paraded now apparatuses were Engines 2, lo, and 28, the latter costing over 82,000; also Hose 10, II, 10,42, 5o, 61, and 58; and I look and Ladder 8. Must every apparatus was repainted and overhauled, it being estimated that not less than 850,000 was expended for this purpose alone. Fifty bands of music were in line, some of tho apparatuses being drawn by Adams Express horses. Among those who paraded were Police Commissioners Samuel E. Edmonston, of Engine 58, now of Hoboken, and Foreman Arnot Spence, Frank .Raymond, Engine 47; Fire Commissioners Joseph R. Perloy, Engine 44 ; Chief of Batallion Gilbert J. Orr, of Engine 42; Michael Shaunessy, Foreman Engine 30; the renowned bell ringer, George Beven, Engine 38; Charles Miller, and Andrew Holley, of Engine 34; ex-Alderman Peter Masterson, Engine 33; the noted restaurateur, b Delmonieo, of Engine 30; Chief Engineer of tho present Fire Department. Fh Bates, of old Engine 20; John W. Pettegrew, tho wealthy contractor, of Engine 28 ; Geo. Henderson, Engine 24, James McCullough Engine 21; ex-Coronor John Wildey, Engine 11 ; Assemblyman James Hayes, Engine 9; James M. MacGregor, of Engine 8; Lewis IIopps I lose, 1; James E. Morris, and tho Kirby Brothers, of Hose 7 ; Billy Spear, Hose II ; Anthony 0. D’Oseville and ex-Begister John McCool, oi Hose 24; A. M. C. Smith, of Hoso 20; Superintendent of the Post Office, Anthony Yoeman, and Johnny Craft,of Hose 33; J oseph B. Harriot, Hose 65; Deputy Sheriff Martin J. Iveese, nose 60; Douglass Cairns, Hook and Ladder 1; ex-Assistant Fire Marshall Henry O. Baker, Joseph R. Wheeler, James Decker and Augustus Hamilton, of Hook and Ladder 6 ; John H. Foreman, Hook and Ladder 0; ex-Assistant Engiuoer Thomas Sullivan, Hook and Ladder 12; hx-Coronor Robert Gamble, Hook and Ladder 16; ex-Alderman John T. Henry and George W. Quackenbush the latter now Foreman of Hook and Ladder 13. The streets were lined with people, who came from all parts of the State to see the display; many of the houses were richly decorated, and numerous were the collations that closed the day’s enjoyment. This was the last regular parade the Department made; it was the talk for months before it took placo, and for months after it occured. To-day finds a few of the old Volunteers in the present organization—some of them having been in active service for twenty to thirty years looking as lively as ever, and, no doubt, intending to die in harness.

Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.

North Tonawanda (NY) Firefighters Battle Fire at Former Middle School

North Tonawanda firefighters responded to a fire at the former Lowry Middle School building on Payne Avenue Wednesday night.