Orlando Commissioner Calls for Two Administrators to Resign

Orlando City Commissioner Don Ammerman has called for the resignation of two administrators, after accusing them of turning their backs on firefighters. The two administrators manage the city employees’ healthcare system.

According to Ammerman, a 15-year veteran was diagnosed with granulomitas hepatitis 10 years after the city first discovered he had symptoms of the disease. Apparently, the city made a doctor’s appointment for the firefighter for September 14, but he did not receive notification of the appointment until September 17. Under state law, if a firefighter misses a doctor’s appointment, the city could refuse to pay all medical and other benefits. Evidently, the same day the city mailed the firefighter notice of his appointment, it also went to court to take away the firefighter’s benefits.

Ammerman also alleges that up to 13 years of medical records are missing at the city’s occupational medical clinic.

Three months ago, firefighters brought a class action suit against the city, claiming that the city knew about firefighters’ contracting hepatitis C but never informed the firefighters involved.

Private Jets Collide at AZ Airport, Killing One Person

One person was killed and others were injured when a private jet owned by Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil collided with another jet Monday afternoon…