December Fire Engineering magazine illustration.
Here’s a link to my previous post and memories of Chief Brunacini. Rest easy, Chief… and thank you!
“My very first encounter with Chief Alan Brunacini was not what I would have hoped for. I was attending my first FDIC and was sitting through a presentation on how to submit articles to become a Fire Engineering author. Being the introvert that I am, I naturally sat in the back row while taking notes.”
“Chief Lasky had already set the fire under my tuchas two days earlier to make a difference, so I wanted all the info I could gather. About 15 minutes into the panel discussion and older gentleman wearing a brightly colored shirt shuffles in and sits next to me (leaving a polite empty chair between us). Not long after taking a seat, he fishes through his pocket to produce a small nail clipper – which he begins to use. I take all of about 20 seconds of this before I lean over and say “sir, do you mind?”: