Performance Standards For Polyurethane Products

Performance Standards For Polyurethane Products


We recently had an opportunity to discuss the toxicity problem created by burning polyurethane foams with James A. Hollars, president of the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Manufacturers Association. Fire fighters are increasingly concerned about toxic gases — especially hydrogen cyanide — emitted by burning polyurethanes in homes and offices.

Polyurethane products are so desirable in their many uses that to try to ban their use would be about as practical as trying to shovel back the tide with a pitchfork. Hollars explained that polyurethanes can be produced that cannot be lighted with a blowtorch.

However, they lose their desirable qualities.

Hollars made a proposal that makes a lot of sense. He suggested that the polyurethane foams be controlled by performance standards. He objected to regulations and laws banning specific materials.

We do this now with performance standards for flame spread and smoke generation. We don’t tell the manufacturer how to produce wall coverings. We just tell him that what he produces can’t have more than the flame spread and smoke generation legal limits for a specific use.

We re not sure that the polyurethane product manufacturers will be happy with all the results of performance standards. They can be more restrictive than specific bans. However, we feel that performance standards can be beneficial to the fire service and fair to the manufacturers.

Meanwhile, keep your breathing apparatus on.

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