A Plano (TX) firefighter was honored for creating the annual Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb, which honors those who fell during the terror attacks on September 11, 2001.
According to the Plano Star Courier, Plano Fire-Rescue driver engineer John Barrett was participating in the stair climb at FDIC 2011 in Indianapolis when he was inspired to bring the event back to Texas. PennWell Corporation, which owns Fire Engineering and the PennWell Fire Group, is also the owner of FDIC, the Fire Department Instructors Conference.
RELATED: 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at FDIC Reinforces Firefighter Survival Mentality
Almost five years later, Barrett was honored Wednesday for his role in starting the annual Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. He stood with family and fellow firefighters as Liberty Mutual presented him with its Firemark Award.
The award is given each year to firefighters around the country who perform courageous acts and displays a selfless spirit.
Read more HERE.