Frank Ricci, David Polikoff, Nick Papa, and their guests will be covering two important topics that affect firefighter health and safety.
First up, Your Gear & Forever Chemicals and the role of the IAFF. The team will be speaking to Sean Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer of Local 2509 Nantucket Fire Fighters and President of Fall River Fire Fighters Jason Burns. Both are true leaders in our service. They will speak directly about their resolution that will heard at the 55th IAFF Convention at the end of January. “Resolution 28 – Toxic Chemicals in PPE.”
Next up, the team will have a cogent debate over vaccine allocation for first responders and Introduce Fire Engineering’s EMS editor and author Kate Dernocoeur to our listeners.
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Your Gear, Your Life: Firefighter PPE Toxins and What to Do About Them
One-Pager quick review of IAFF Resolution 28 Info Sheet (PDF)
Comprehensive review of IAFF Resolution 28 Explanation (PDF)
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