Portland (OR) Fire & Rescue Extinguishes ‘Suspicious’ Three-Alarm Apartment Fire

Portland Fire & Rescue OR

According to a report from Oregon Live, Portland (OR) Fire & Rescue (PFR) crews extinguished a fire that spread through the Villa de Clara Vista apartment complex on Cully Boulevard and Northeast 53rd Avenue Tuesday afternoon and which may now be considered arson.

Fire officials continue to investigate the incident, and the exact cause of the fire remains unknown. They are also trying to determine the extent of the damage the fire caused or how many residents were displaced. At the moment, officials are consulting with one eyewitness.

Portland Fire&Rescue/Twitter

Emergency responders first received calls about the blaze around 3:45 p.m. The fire grew, and at one point, at least three dozen fire and rescue vehicles were on the scene.

Portland Fire&Rescue/Twitter

Crews extinguished the fire by 5:15 p.m., according to PFR officials.


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GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed

GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed in Alabama Shooting

A fire battalion chief from Georgia was killed in a roadside shooting that injured two other people in Chambers County on Sunday night, the sheriff’s office said.
David Rhodes, Jerry Tracy, and Jack J. Murphy

In The Books: High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges

David Rhodes discusses the comprehensive book High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges with authors Gerald Tracy and Jack Murphy.