By Frank E. Vaerewijck, The Firehouse Foodie
“Love the obvious pride on DCFD E15–from the well packed hosebed to the neighborhood name on their layout pack. When you see pride like this OFF the fireground, there’s no doubt you can expect all-star performance ON the fireground. Keep up that Anacostia pride.” I read these words in a Facebook post from Traditions Training, LLC. These words were under a picture of District of Columbia Fire Department Engine 15 with a really cool hose wrap and “ANACOSTIA” written in Old English Text MT around the last section of hose that hangs down from a beautifully packed hosebed.
All over the world, you see pride displayed in rigs, and many times that pride leads to an elevated height of performance—to strive to be better than one’s brothers and sisters and achieve the bragging rights that come with being on top. Being on top comes with a price, though, and that price is not paid with a plastic card or paper currency; it’s paid with sweat and repetition.
One of the firefighters at my station, John Buttrick, says all the time, “You can either be that guy or you can be that guy ….” If you are not paying attention to what he is saying, you will miss his point completely. Either be the guy sitting on the couch, filling a space at the shift, or be the guy who is always learning, always training, always building pride and performance. Personal pride and performance will lead to company pride and performance, which leads to department pride and performance, and “That’s Bringing the Firehouse Home!”
Pina Colada Full of Pride
¼ cup frozen pineapple
½ cup coconut cream
½ cup coconut milk
½ cup rum
Fresh pineapple, sliced into wedges
After filling a blender hallway with ice cubes, add all the above ingredients and puree. Cut a wedge about ¾ from the bottom tip up to garnish. Pour into a large cup, garnish with your wedge, kick back, be proud of your creation, and enjoy!
Oh yeah, if you have any left in the blender, share it, and always make refills fresh; they’re better that way!
Remember, don’t drink and drive; don’t drink at work; and, most of all, drink responsibly. Keep it safe, and NOTHING GOOD has ever come from saying, “Here! Hold my drink and watch this!”
Frank E. Vaerewijck has had a passion for the fire service that has spanned 20 years. He has been a volunteer and career firefighter and is currently a firefighter/EMT with the Manassas (VA) Volunteer Fire Company. He has passed on his passion for the fire service through instruction and mentorship. That same passion he has for the fire service is shared with his love of food. In 2006, Vaerewyck won an Iron Chef-style competition sponsored by a radio station in Richmond, Virginia. That is where he also furthered his education by attending a Culinary Arts Program. As the Firehouse Foodie, he has been compiling recipes to be included in a cookbook that will give others the opportunity to see their hometown heroes not just as firefighters, but as the firehouse chefs they truly are.