Silent Knight’s new Model 5295 Signal Power Expander is designed to help you meet the increased signaling requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each power expander contributes six amps at 24 vdc to boost the power available to new or existing fire systems. The expander can be integrated with many manufacturers’ 12or 24-volt control panels.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Globe Firefighters Suits has introduced ADVANCE”‘, an NFPA-compliant, flame-resistant, ripstop-weave, outer shell fabric that combines elements of Nomex® 111 aramid with Kevlar® aramid fibers. ADVANCEfeatures a Shelltite® finish and exceeds the minimum 35 TPP set forth by the 1991 edition of NFPA 1971.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
The DeckBlaster from Public Safety Equipment, Inc., is a lightweight, low-profile light that can be mounted on the rear deck, the dash, or the windshield. It is available in halogen and strobe models. Models that give a synchronous signal are available.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
The Stepmill from Stairmastcr ‘ Sports/Medical Products, Inc., is designed to strengthen the musculature of the lower body as effectively as traditional strength training with impact forces on the body that can be up to five times less than those that occur on a treadmill at comparable exercise intensities, enhancing the safety of the workout.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Three of Wahl Instruments’ Heat Spy Infrared Thermometers now feature a one-milliwatt, low-power laser aiming sight. The laser places a highly visible red dot on the center of a target surface from up to 10 feet away.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Aboveground, portable, primary /secondary containment, 5,000-gallon liquid storage tanks are available from The Eldred Environmental and Export Company, Ltd. They feature a flexible-membrane liner.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
HITEC Group International, Inc., has released KEYPlus, a single device that integrates a teletypewriter (TTY) call detector, a printing TTY with a two-by-24 LCD display, a date and time stamp, and a user-defined message management system with a standard, 102-key, IBM-compatible PC keyboard that connects with any type of telephone system and requires no PC software, integration, hardware slots, or interfaces.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card
Gas Tech, Inc., a leading manufacturer of gas monitors, has released the GX-94, which monitors combustible gases, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and/or hydrogen sulfide and is available in threeor four-gas versions. Microprocessor electronics allow the user to “customize” alarm set points and pitch. It measures 2.6 by 3.6 by 6.4 inches.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
The Fire Zone™, from The CADD Zone, is a drawing/drafting software package designed especially for the fire service. The Fire Zone allows users to create drawings for prefire surveys, postincident critiques, and SARA Title III reports. The software includes more than 140 graphic symbols for vehicles, doors, stairs, elevators, hoses, extinguishers, and so forth; where appropriate, symbols conform to NFPA standards.
Crete No. 18 on Reader Service Card
Lion Apparel has expanded its line of Cease Fire™ Station Wear to include Fire Wear™ knits, composed of 55 percent FFR “ (Fibrous Flame Retardant Fiber) and 45 percent cotton. The fibers emit noncombustiblc gases that smother flames. Fire Wear ” knits come in the following versions: shorts, polo, rugby, and shortand long-sleeve t-shirts.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card
T-N-T Tools Inc. has available a multipurpose fire tool whose head consists of a sledge end, an axe, and a handhold to push or pull the pike pole end, and whose pike pole end consists of a pry end and a pike pole hook. Both ends are constructed of high-carbon, heat-treated steel. Total length is 40 inches and total weight is 13 pounds.
Grcie No. 20 on Reader Service Card
Sierra Precision has introduced the 9000A2 Series Air Booster for mobile air systems or station fill systems, which allows the operator to fill SCBA units by boosting 2,250 psi to 4,500 psi in under 60 seconds. The 9000A2 offers an automatic start/stop feature with two preset pressure ratings—2,216 psi or 4,500 psi. A power source of 125 or 220 volts is required.
Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card
Scton Name Plate Company’s Ultra-Sonic Measuring Device measures distance with 99 5 percent accuracy at the touch of a button. A built-in calculator converts measurements into feet, inches, yards, metric measurements, and decimals.
Grcie No. 22 on Reader Service Card
ZipNut™ now offers SCBA refill connections with “Push-on Threads”, which connect with a push and mist: crossthreading is eliminated. Now available on all IngersollRand cylinder compressors, the connections can be purchased for installation on all brands of compressors and cascade systems.
Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card
Ziamatic Corporation has available a bulkhead-mounted ladder access system that automatically lowers ladders from the storage position to a convenient level for retrieval. Flush-mounted vertically to a backplate on the hose bed wall or a similar surface, the QUIC-LIFT system self-locks in any position. It uses 12 volts and does not require hydraulic fittings.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
The Hotsy Corporation’s Model 770, hotwater high-pressure washer features 230volt power, 50 feet of wire-braided hose, a variable spray nozzle, oil-fired burner, a rustproof fuel tank, a safety-relief valve, a water tight electrical control panel, a high-pressure detergent injection system, and the “Hawk” ceramic plunger pump capable of delivering three gpm at 1,500 psi.
Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card
Motorola’s Wireless Data IAN Division has released the RNet’“ Paging Data Receiver, a board-level OEM product that receives and decodes data broadcast over existing paging networks. The compact receiver operates at 138-174 MHz VHP, 435-480 MHz LHF, and 900 MHz HHF, providing OEM products employing it with immediate access to a nationwide data deliver)’ network. The RNet™ can accommodate any size and number of seven-bit ASCII numeric or alphanumeric messages and features a 240-character message buffer.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card
National Safety Clean has developed a technology’ to remove harmful contaminants and bloodborne pathogens from protective clothing and equipment without damaging fire protective fibers. It is approved by all fabric, liner, and turnout gear manufacturers. The company also offers a cleaning service using this technology, turnout gear repair, and a loaner service while equipment is being cleaned.
Grde No. 28 on Reader Service Card
New’ software from the E.F. Johnson Company will add encry ption capabilities to several of the company’s I.TR trunked radios. When the radios are programmed, groups can be identified as either data or voice groups; voice groups can be identified as either clear or encrypted. The operator then can toggle groups from clear to encrypted. The programmer can assign priority among data groups and set receive-level priority to voice or data. Voice or data push-to-talk will force calls to the right type of group.
Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card
Berylco Safety Tools has introduced the Berylco® Battle Ax™, a multipurpose emergency tool made of a nonsparking beryllium copper alloy. The tool can be used as a hydrant wrench, crash axe, handpick, spanner wrench, gas shutoff wrench, and pry bar. It weighs four pounds, eight ounces.
Circle No. 30 on Reader Service Card
RAM FAN has introduced the WC-50 waterpowered turboventilation system for both positiveand negative-pressure ventilation. The 35-pound WC-50 operates at between 40 and 250 psi; is capable of moving air at greater than 30,000 cfm; and can be used in ships, mines, tunnels, and subways as well as buildings.
Grde No. 31 on Reader Service Card
Rescue Innovation Inc. has introduced an air restraint bag cover designed to keep an air bag from interfering with a vehicle rescue. The PVC bag helps contain the by-products of the chemical reaction that deploys the bag and the corn starch used as a lubricant, which can irritate eyes, skin, and wounds. Further, the bag cover helps provide protection against water getting into the sodium azide pellet.
Grde No. 32 on Reader Service Card
SAM’s Lesson in School Fire Drills, a fire safety’ awareness video from Syndistar, Inc., stresses the importance of fire drills and the dangers of false alarms. In the video, SAM, a puppet firefighter whose name stands for Safety Always Matters, teaches children fire safety and prevention using a music-video format.
Grde No. 33 on Reader Service Card
Two new products are available from Firecom Communication Safety Specialists. The Firecom apparatus intercom offers hearing protection from engine noise and audible warning devices and provides voice communication between apparatus personnel, without affecting normal radio transmit/ receive functions. The Firecom Digital Message Recorder (DMR) is a one-megabyte voice memory card that provides 32 seconds of voice recording (from any radio source or system mike) for playback throughout the intercom system.
Grde No. 34 on Reader Service Cord
Tripp Lite has introduced the BC 1250LAN, a network-compatible UPS with 1250 VA of output power. It features a LAN-interface port, four ISOBAR spike and noise-filtered AC outlets, and visual and audible alarms. Tripp Lite’s UPS systems now feature Ultimate® Lifetime Insurance, which provides for the repair or replacement of connected equipment (up to S 100,000) if damaged by a surge (including direct lightning strikes).
Circle No. 35 on Reader Service Card
Grace Industries, Inc., has introduced the computer-based T-PASS Total Accountability System. If the wearer of a T-PASS alarm comes within several hundred feet of the command receiver, his or her presence automatically registers on the computer. A printed record is produced, displaying alarm number, name, date, and time. The T-PASS alarm can be heard one-half mile away.
Circle No. 36 on Reader Service Card
Von Duprin offers the Series HS99 highsecurity exit devices, which integrate a rimtvpe exit device with the Sargent and Green-leaf 8-470 Automatic Deadbolt. A ScrambleLock digital keypad (rather than keys or cards) restricts outsiders but allows staff members to utilize the microprocessor-controlled keypad, which features a random pattern display with a restricted viewing angle, for entry.
Circle No. 37 on Reader Service Card