Hurst Emergency Products has available Hurst Flow Blocker Pipe Sealing Plugs, designed for spill containment use in fire emergencies and hazardous-materials discharges. The plug also can be used in industrial settings for pipe testing, pipe repair, and sealing leaks.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card


A.R. Manufacturing has developed the Dispos-A-Con®, a hazardous-materials decontamination shower for emergency personnel. The top and bottom of the unit are constructed of Coroplast plastic; the body panels consist of double-wrapped six-mm white poly for a total thickness of 12 mm. The fourby four-foot by 81-inch unit can be erected in two minutes and folds up for easy disposal after use. It comes standard with a shower head.

Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card


Arrakis Publishing Testmaster Student Module allows users to create (and then save) a random test from more than 1 ,(XK) questions from Oklahoma State University’s Essentials of Fire Fighting curriculum. The package, which represents more than two years of cooperative work between Arrakis FirePrograms and OSU, 1FSTA headquarters, allows users to create tests, print questions and answers, save the tests and scores, and evaluate scores.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card


Lectric Lites Co.’s INTERSECTOR is a warning light system designed to provide additional warning effectiveness for emergency vehicles approaching traffic intersections. The system consists of two halogen lights in housing mounted at 40-degree angles on each side of the vehicle. The two combine to provide a 112° light spread into intersections as the vehicle approaches. Each of the four 15,OOO-candela halogen lights produces an alternating flash rate of 75 pulses per minute. Blue, red, amber, and clear lenses are available.

Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Cord


Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems, Inc., has introduced the Power Hawk”, an all-electrical-powered extrication tool. Power Hawk ‘derives its strength from an adaptation of flight-control actuation technology used in today’s jet fighters. Using 12 volts DC as the sole power source eliminates the hazards associated with gasoline and hydraulic fluids (ruptured high-pressure lines). Power Hawk’s; low noise levels are aimed at lessening victim trauma and facilitating better rescue communication.

Circle No. 12 on Render Service Cord


W.L. Gore and Associates’ CROSSTECH'” moisture barrier provides protection against the dangers posed by blood, body fluids, and various chemicals while still providing moisture-vapor permeability, thus helping relieve the dangers of heat stress. CROSSTECH meets the requirements of NFPA 1971; passes the ASTM F 903 liquid (chemical) penetration resistance test and the ASTM ES 22′ bacteriophage penetration resistance test, which is part of NFPA 1999; and meets the requirements of the recently revised edition of NFPA 1973.

Cede No. 13 on Render Service Card


FIREHOUSE Software “ gives users the ability to manage preplans; inspection information; chemical inventories; NFIRS information and in-house information for incident reporting; medical incident reports; apparatus maintenance and hydrant inspection, repair, and test histories; and personnel information training histories and certifications. The software allows for complete integration of all information (for instance, users can automatically load occupancy information into a fire or EMS report, etc.). It runs on DOS, Windows™, Novell™, Macintosh, remote dial-in, and pen-based laptop platforms.

Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card


The Setcom System 900 is specifically designed to provide a basic intercom and radio mixer for fire service use. The headsets reduce noise by 24 db, meeting the NFPA 1500 requirement. Noise-canceling microphones and a full duplex intercom allow for normal conversation in the cab. Shielded interconnecting cables are fitted with waterproof connectors that do not require soldering to install. RFI/EMI and ground loop protection are engineered into the unit. The radio push-to-talk button and headset volume control are mounted in the headset.

Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Cord


Essex PB&R has introduced the Essex VRU (victim rescue unit), a compact, 1 ‘/2-pound breathing device designed to provide up to 60 minutes of respiratory protection while allowing victims to see, hear, talk, and move freely. It is completely self-contained; breathable air is supplied by a bottle of 100 percent aviator-grade compressed oxygen, which has overpressure protection to prevent rupture. Passive scrubber protects against CO, buildup.

Crete No. 16 on Reader Service Card


AMDOR, Inc., has introduced a stainlesssteel lift bar model of rollup door to complement the original pivoting-cam latching system. The stainless-steel lift bar features a flat interior surface to prevent equipment hangup and more room for gloved hands, providing easier access in critical situations. Stainless-steel construction provides increased strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. The bar also is available with locking capability.

Circle No. 17 on Rooder Service Cord


The Angus Fire Marine Turbex System is a shipboard fire protection system that fills ship engine rooms and machinery spaces with Expandol high-expansion foam, which acts as a vehicle to carry extinguishing water around obstacles and deliver it to the seat of the fire. Lloyd’s Register’s Fire Approval Certification Scheme has found the system to be in compliance with the Society’s Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships.

Grdo No. 18 on Reader Service Cord


Trombetta’s patented throttle control kit now features cable-shortening capabilities designed to enable users to customize the kit to a particular application. The kit utilizes a completely sealed solenoid and sheathed stainless-steel pull cable, allowing for versatile solenoid mounting. When the solenoid is energized, the kit brings the engine from idle to a customer-set rpm level. The threeinch wire is activated through Trombetta’s control module, allowing continuous operation on most gasoline, diesel, and CNG engines.

Grcle No. 19 on Reader Service Card


BioSafety Systems’ line of personal protection products for EMS professionals has been expanded to include the nine-inch-deep, four-inch-wide P2 utility pouch, which is made of a black Cordura™ nylon and comes with a pair of P2 HiRisk gloves (size large), a penlight, and a pair of 7’/2-inch EMT utility scissors. It also can be purchased without the penlight and scissors. Its back features a loop for belt attachment.

Grcle No. 20 on Reader Service Card


National Foam has redesigned its MCS Foam Chambers to feature a venturi-style orifice for higher foam solution velocity with a reengineered flow path and mixer for maximum foam expansion and reduced operating pressures. The lower operating pressure permits the foam chamber to utilize smaller size field piping, lowering installation costs. The MCS system is designed to provide extinguishment capabilities for liquid storage tank fires. Circle No. 21 on Reoder Service Cord

Circle No. 21 on Reoder Service Cord


Ronco Texile Products offers 20 different styles of bags for firefighters, including EMS storage bags, duffle bags, haz-mat equipment bags, and respirator bags. Special designs are available to meet unusual requirements.

Circle No. 22 on Reoder Service Card


An AC-powered smoke detector from BRK Brands, Inc., provides fire protection for the hearing impaired. Model 100S features a 177-candela strobe that flashes an average of 55 to 65 times per minute while a detector emits an 85-db alarm. Other features include an alarm indicator light, which stays lit to indicate that the unit is receiving power, and a test button.

Circle No. 23 on Reoder Service Card


The “No False Alarm Smoke Alarm” from Invention World Corporation features a remote-control means of temporarily silencing false alarms, a remote battery test with monthly reminder light, and visual indication of low-battery conditions.

Circle No. 24 on Reoder Service Cord


Fenwal offers fire protection systems for computer and telecommunications facilities, tape storage vaults, recording studios, and other sensitive facilities that employ FM-200, a nontoxic, environmentally safe fire suppressant that poses no breathing or obscuration problems when used in accordance with NFPA 2001. The agent’s ozone depletion potential is zero; its atmospheric lifetime is 31 to 42 years; and it has no EPA use restrictions.

Grele No. 25 on Reoder Service Card


Research & Trading Corporation (RTC) has introduced the Saf-T-View™, a visual stress indicator for RTC’s 2706 Series Retracting Lifelines. Safe-T-View operates in conjuncdon with the 2706 Retractalok®; its two-part tube surrounds the lifeline near the end that attaches to the worker’s safety harness. When more than 450 pounds of force is exerted on the Retractalok , the tube pieces separate and a warning flag and colored cable are exposed, providing visual warning that the lifeline has been stressed and needs to be inspected.

Circle No. 26 on Reader Service Card


WYK Spill Bags from Upright Incorporated are lightweight, high-visibility yellow, water-resistant tote bags containing sorbents to pick up two to 10 gallons of liquid. The bags are designed to meet OSHA and DOT requirements for spill containment and cleanup.

Grde No. 27 on Reoder Service Cord


Mine Safety Appliances offers a program for upgrading older-model MSA pressuredemand air masks for compliance with the 1992 edition of the ANSI/NFPA 1981 standard for self-contained breathing apparatus. Under the terms of the agreement, departments can convert SCBA with belt-mounted regulators (BMR) to MMR air masks.

Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Cord


Super Vacuum Manufacturing Company offers a new series of pneumatic fans, the AF Series, that operate on compressed air, eliminating the hazards of electrical connections. The fans are available in 12-inch-diameter, one-half-horsepower and 16-inch-diameter, 1 Vc-hp models.

Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card


A line of hydraulic rescue tools from Code 3 Res Q® features internal safety relief valves designed to release excessive pressure before it reaches a critical state. The Internal Safety Relief Valve keeps hydraulic fluid contained within the system at all times, providing both power and safety.

Grde No. 30 on Reader Service Card


The RES-Q-VAC reusable hand-powered suction pump handle offers greater than 500 mm Hg suction without batteries or other electrical supply. It attaches to small, sterile catheters for suctioning infants and children and can be adapted for adult use with the large-bore, soft Yankauer. The sterile, disposable canister holds 230 ml adult and 50 ml pediatric and can be capped for safe disposal.

Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett consider buildings that front on two streets, share basements, or might otherwise challenge firefighters.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.