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MSA’s new CAIRNSHELMETS® 880 TRADITIONTM FIREFIGHTER’S HELMET combines traditional design and performance with modern materials, yet meets the demands of NFPA 1971-2000. The smallest, lightest fire helmet available, it has a smaller, improved impact cap that retains the safety features of larger, traditional-style helmets. Smaller, lighter, low-profile shell allows optimum clearance and maneuverability and a stable balanced ride. The durable shell (available in black, red, blue, white, yellow, and orange) includes a five-year replacement warranty. Customers can choose either a five- or six-inch front and any of the other accessories for traditional-style CairnsHELMETST helmets. (877) MSA-FIRE (3473). Web site: www.MSAFIREnet.com.
The JC300 BAG from IEP Fire is made with mylar-faced HOT-STOP. The facing resists 2,000°F radiant heat and the base cloth HOT-STOP has a 2,080°F melting point. The handle is a composite of two layers of nylon webbing with a core of HOT-STOP fireproof tape. The main bag holds 250 feet of 3/8-inch HT2 fireproof search line and the side pockets can hold 25 feet of HT2 along with hand tools. The oversized top hole allows the use of directional knots and the bottom includes an oversized brass grommet to permit attachment of an additional bag. (717) 285-4437. Web site: www.iepfire.com.
The Turbine Technologies, Ltd. PUMPLAB™ features a totally see-through flow circuit, state-of the-art vector drive powering a three-hp motor, three interchangeable impeller profiles, see-through flow rotameter, and fully integrated data acquisition system. Strobe lighting system highlights boundary layer activity in the pump impeller, actually stopping cavitation bubbles and related flow phenomenon so they can be seen. With its integral data acquisition equipment, system can be used to study pump performance curves, head/discharge curves, cavitation, flow rate/torque correlations, and impeller boundary layer conditions. Allows testing of customer-designed impeller performance. Provides fast, effective flow visualization results and comes as a turnkey system that can be fully operational in 10 minutes. (715) 924-4876. Web site: www.turbinetechnologies.com.
The Astaris PHOS-CHEK WD 881 CLASS A FOAM CONCENTRATE is a fast, effective means of extinguishing structural, wildland, and industrial Class A type fires. By increasing the ability of water to penetrate deep-seated fuels, such as those in mattresses, couches, duff, dump, tires, and coal, Phos-Chek WD 881 shortens the time firefighters are exposed to fires, reduces property damage, and reduces total systems costs. Minimizes water damage and water waste and has no flash point. Phos-Chek WD 881 Class A foam technology coats and surrounds fuels with a thick layer of water, which reflects radiant heat to prevent rekindling. Meets critical industry qualifications, including approval by the USDA Forest Service for all methods of application including use in fixed tank helicopters, UL listing as a wetting agent at a low 0.25 percent use rate, and the absence of any EPA listed hazardous materials. It is also readily biodegradable. (800) 682-3626.
Andax Environmental’s DE-CON PAC™ INSTANT DECONTAMINATION SYSTEM is now available in safety orange and haz-mat green. High-visibility color schemes facilitate the separation of contaminated victims—male/ female, personnel/civilian, or according to priority. Ensures speed, safety, and victim privacy when responding to life-threatening emergencies such as NBC/WMD situations or industrial accidents. Setup requires two people: Open the self-expanding frame, insert the liner, lock the buckles and tabs, and it’s done. Replaceable liner ensures victim privacy and fluid containment and eliminates cleanup. Built-in drain carries away any contaminated materials to pumps or to optional gravity flow bags. Additional options available. (800) 999-1358. Web site: www.andax.com.
Magnegrip Inc.’s SOURCE CAPTURE EXHAUST SYSTEM for the fire service uses a mechanical connection with powerful rare earth magnets to connect to tailpipe. Eliminates pneumatic or electromagnetic control of the nozzle connection to reduce overall system complexity. Mechanical systems reduce upfront cost and long-term system maintenance of your system. Nozzle can be retrofitted to existing pneumatic systems. (800) 875-5440.
Draeger Safety Inc. introduces the PRISM IN-MASK PRESSURE INFORMATION SYSTEM for the Draeger AirBoss series SCBAs. Provides a color-coded LED display of remaining cylinder pressure to the user. Low-pressure (less than 25-percent cylinder pressure) is signaled to the firefighter with a flashing red light to indicate remaining cylinder content and to egress immediately. Based on wireless technology, Prism has no cables that could be cut or snagged while in operation. In-mask display’s readbility is not affected by a dirty lens or heavy smoke conditions. Automatically activates when the cylinder valve is turned on. Cylinder pressure is indicated on the start-up. In many applications, the Prism System battery life more than 18 months. (412) 787-8383.
Metron-Farnier introduces the industry’s first RESIDENTIAL FIRE METER SERIES, combining low-flow accuracy with the ability to deliver fire flow required by residential fire suppression systems. Utilities no longer need to risk using displacement-type meters in these settings. The meter and strainer assemblies ensure that accountability is high and fire flows are reliable. All meters are equipped with state-of-the-art touchless encoded technology and are compatible with all AMR systems. NSF 61-approved. (800) 763-8766.
Niedner’s WEDGEE DOOR WEDGE features a combination of three bright flashing LED lights and a piercing 95-dB sound. Facilitates search efforts in structural fires, increases safety on the firegrounds, warns of danger at auto accidents, and more. (800) 567-2703. Web site: www.niedner.com.
Streamlight, Inc.’s redesigned SURVIVORT RECHARGEABLE FLASHLIGHT has Smoke CutterT optics, a “black dot” xenon bulb that penetrates smoke, fog and mist with up to 25,000 candlepower, and a run time of 1.7 continuous hours. Available PiggyBack™ charging system simultaneously charges the light and a spare battery. A new steel hinged door and latch provide quick, accessible battery replacement; new spring-loaded clip and built-in attachment ring latch to a belt or harness for hands-free operation or storage. Class I, Division 2 safety approval certified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Rechargeable up to 1,000 times; the light operates on a nickel-cadmium battery that can be recharged in one hour using an optional Fast Charge unit. The unbreakable LexanT lens has an anti-scratch coating to withstand harsh conditions. Lightweight rugged nylon case is O-ring sealed for water resis-tance, and its nonincendive rotary switch provides easy operation while wearing gloves. Weighs less than one pound and available in yellow or orange. (800) 523-7488. Web site: www.streamlight.com.
Abatix, a supplier of homeland security and emergency management products, offers a new CATALOG (available in print or CD format) presenting the latest technologies and systems for responding to or mitigating the effects of a natural or man-made disaster. Training and consulting services available for domestic preparedness. Products include NBC detection equipment, decon-tamination equipment and supplies, respiratory protection, blast mitigation devices, EMS/rescue items, emergency response kits, publications, PPE from head to toe, confined space and fall protection equipment, a full array of tools, spill control and haz-mat response items, and traffic control and signs. Web site: www.abatix.com. (800) 889-5186.
High Plains Information Systems, a firefighter-owned corporation, introduces its new, field-friendly FIRE AND EMS REPORTING SYSTEM. Available as a stand-alone EMS reporting and billing support package or as a part of High Plains’ complete fire incident reporting system. Web site: www. TheFireManager.com. (877) FIRE RMS.
WHP Trainingtowers’ WHP MODULAR TRAINING SIMULATOR (WHP 911 TRAINER) is designed to provide a multilevel simulator while staying within federal guidelines for the FIRE Act grant program. The movable trainer is a two-story tower with attic and sloped roof alongside a single-story annex housing a live fire burn room. May be set on any suitable surface and relocated as needed with the use of commercially available equipment. The structural skin is 18-gauge steel, stair stringers and railings are heavy-duty welded structural steel and meet OSHA requirements, a single-sloped roof with chop-out and rappelling anchors provides for a realistic roof operations training, and the burn room is lined with the company’s Padgenite thermal lining system. Grant-eligible product can offer 1,050 square feet of multileveled floor space. (800) 351-2525. Web site: www.trainingtowers.com.
The Kimberly-Clark’s Safety Division’s HAZARD-GARDT PROTECTIVE APPAREL resists many liquid and dry particulate chemicals. Hazard-GardTI garments laminated with a 1.3 mil exterior polyethylene film; Hazard-GardTII’s exterior laminated with SaranexT23-P film. Garment interiors are made with the REFLEXTM coverall design. HAZARD-GARDTI and II offer enhanced mobility for greater range of motion. The garments have serged seams and are available in gray as coveralls, in pants, and as a shirt with elasticized face opening and hood. Bound seamed Hazard-GardTI protective apparel includes nonelastic coveralls with storm flap, coveralls with elastic wrists/ankles with a hood and storm flap, a top and bottom sleeve protector and an apron. HAZARD-GARDTII also available in an encapsulated suit with elastic wrists, an expanded back, back zipper, storm flap, booties, boot flaps, and Mylar face shield. (800) 255-6401. Web site: www.kc-safety.com.
The HEARTSTART MRX MONITOR/DEFIBRILLATOR by Philips Electronics is designed with features and capabilities to meet the demands of advanced cardiac life support-trained (ACLS) caregivers in the emergency medical services and hospital environments. Combines industry-leading monitoring technology with diagnostic measurements and Philips’ patented resuscitation therapies in a single, lightweight device. Features a long battery-powered operating time and a large color display and takes less than five seconds to administer a shock. Automated self-tests that check for readiness. Backlit color display provides better visibility of vital information for EMS crews responding to emergencies in poorly lit settings, and highly organized patient data supports decision making. Features a CompactFlash data card that automatically captures critical patient data, allowing EMS crews to seamlessly transfer it to hospital-based caregivers. (800) 453-6860.
RMS Commander Solutions’ new Web-browser-based NFIRS REPORTING SOLUTION is a comprehensive enterprise application that can be installed on a department’s intranet or accessed over the Internet. Features easy, wizard-like data-entry for all reports. Training takes about an hour per module and can be provided on-line or in-person. Modules include NFIRS fire and EMS and fire prevention, training and on-line tests, road closures, hydrants, inventory management, vehicle maintenance, personnel information and certifications, departmental calendar and memo manager, and personnel evaluations. Pricing for installed versions is by department size and per seat licenses; special online service pricing for volunteer departments. Online demos available at Web site: www.RMSCommander.com. (520) 297-3623.
Seagrave Fire Apparatus recently introduced the COMMANDER II, an enhanced replacement of its popular Commander model. Features a roomier extended cab area, larger windows for more visibility, larger doors and longer step-in surfaces, and an enhanced heating/ventilation system. The Commander II chassis offers a new engine package to accommodate the Detroit Diesel Series 60 EGR engine. Its stiffer frame and redesigned springs and axle stops also enhance ride smoothness and lengthen spring life. Seagrave dealers are now taking orders for the new Commander II model. (715) 823-2141.
CorrView International, LLC introduces a new FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM CORROSION MONITOR SYSTEM. Simple self-contained safety device is a 3/4-, one-, or 11/2-inch hex head pipe plug. When threaded directly into any fire protection system, it produces a brilliant color change, from white to fluo- rescent orange, after a predefined amount of wall loss has occurred. Alerts building and plant owners and operators to the potential for interior rust deposits to clog sprinkler valves and heads. Color change signals a hidden corrosion problem and corresponding rust deposit buildup. Identifies corrosion problems years in advance. (973) 770-7764. Web site: www.corrview.com.