Random Sparks

Random Sparks

The new fire alarm of Poughkeepsie is going where the woodbine twineth.

The new fire patrol of Brockport, N. Y., went into service on tho 23d of October.

United Slates Fire Company of Atlantic City N. J. has just housed a new Hose Carriage.

—There wero 30,000 people in attendance at tho Georgia State Fair, held at Atlanta, on occasion of the Firemen’s day.

—Cheyenne, W. T., is fast becoming a town of note. A water works has been introduced, along with the organization of a Firo Department.

—There is a strenuous effort making in Now Orleans to provide facilities for the storage of oil, and to prescribe regulations for its sale, which shall materially lessen tho danger of tire.

—Tho Chief Engineer of the Cleveland Fire Department reports that during the month of October they had twenty fires and the companies ran 26IJ-M milt’s.

A beautiful fire hat and belt is to bo presented to Davy Crocket H. L. C., No. 1. as a koiqtsako of their old foreman, Tom Parish, deceased. It is a beautiful thing.

•The inspection and parade of the Firemen of Fort Wayne, lnd., drew together the people from all parts of the State, and it was one of the finest that has over occured in that locality.

Protection Engine Company of Paterson N. J., is making arrangements for a grand ball about Christmas. They will have the biggest rush that has occurred in Paterson in a long while.

— Vigilant Engine Company, of Paterson, having recently had their house painted and calsomined, have placed in their parlors the finest set of furniture, without exception, in any tiro house in Passaic county.

—Two members of the Philadelphia Fire Department have been calk’d to their last resting place during the past month. Harvey Vanzant of good Intent Hose, and John Roberson of the old Vigilant Firo Co.

—Tho volunteer Fire Department of St. Paul has finally given place to tho paid department. The valuable services which the volunteers had rendered wore appropriately celebrated by a bamiuel, and the customary speeches on the day of their tinal good-bye as au organization.

—Tho Albany Firo Department had $109,033 to spend during the year ending October 31, and comes out w ith a clear balance in hand of $1,508. Losses by fire during the year, $07,278, 51; bell alarms during tho year, 62; still alarms, 81. Insurance exceeded losses by a large majority.

— A laudable effort is being made in Chicago to substitute underground telegraps wires for the unsightly and insecure air lines now in use for tiro alarm purposes. The great advantage « of the underground system is obvious—the wires are not liable to he thrown down by storms, or to be severed by falling buildings, or to meet with mishaps that would destroy their usefulness at a time, perhaps, when the facility which they afford for rapid communication would be most needed.

—Tho second week of October was disastrous for castles. A few days before the tiro at Inverarv, tli© Castle of Nodes, in France, which cost the late Due de Moray over X100,000, was entirely destroyed from tho same causo. Besides tho sumptuous furniture there was an invaluable collection of pictures. All has been consumed by the (lames.

—Tho place referred to in this littlo story is supposed to be entirely destitute of Firemen. A little boy, six years old, was soon to whisper, hut denied doing so when reproved by tho teacher; he was told to remain after school, when the teacher, trying to impress upon his youthful mind the sinfulness of not speaking the truth, asked him if they did not tell in the Sunday school whore had boys went wdio told falsehoods. Choking with sobs he said: “Yes, marm, it is a place where there is a fire, hut 1 don’t just remember the name of the town,”

‘/ —Nearly every Fire Department has a favorite dog, which, liko many politicians, “runs with tho machine.” The Good Will Fire com; pany of Harrisburg, Penn., lost their dog Rover the other day. As Mr. Childs, the obituary poet, would feelingly remark, ho climbed tho golden fire escape. The dead dog lay in state at tho engine house for Bovoral hours, and nearly two thousand persons visited the remains. Tho firo bells tolled in his honor as they “ buried him darkly at dead of night ” in the yard by the engine house.

— Explosions are sometimes brought about in a curious way. For example: One day hist month, a man walking along Feachers street, Liverpool, after lighting a.cigar dropped tho blazing match through the grating of a sewer. Doubtless he thought it a neat way of disposing of the match. But straightway there was an earthquako, with much noise; the pavement oponed, flames issued forth, and a stone weighing three hundred pounds rose in air. The | sewer gas continued to burn for a long while after tho explosion.

—The Patrol force of the Quaker City are determined to have things comfortable. The sittingroom of the patrol house has been made very attractive through the good judgment of Mr. Atwood Smith, who has adorned the walls of tho room with several handsome engraving, which are copies from the most celebrated artists of Europe. Among them—“ Highland Drover departing for the South,” “ Crossing the Tay,” “ The Stag at Bay,” “ The Fight for the Standard,” these are larged sized and elegantly framed. The members of tho patrol have also their photographs token in a group, standing before tho wagon, which makes an interesting picture.

—Frank P. Foulke late driver for First Asst. Chief Dickinson of Cleveland Ohio, who has i been removed, has asked for a hearing. The following in his appeal to the Fire Companies:

CLEVELAND, November 1, 1877.

To THE HONORABLE BOARD or FIUK COMmissioners-Gentlemen:—Having been dis’ charged from service as a Fireman in the Cleve: i land Fire Department at your last session, Oci tobor 18th, and not knowing any reason why j I was not entitled to a hearing before being dismissed from said service I desire to know the cause of being so summarily dealt with. Not having been arraigned at any time previous for j auy offense, if consistent with your rules, I desire an investigation, and if possible, a reinstatement, FRANK P, FOLLKE.

—Cincinnati has long suffered in her water supply through being unable to get sufficient pressure to lift tho water to desired heights. Recently this has been remedied by making connection with a new reservoir, and the test that was made under tho new head was entirely satisfactory. Indeod, it was rather too much so, for the pressure was so great that the water mains wero hurst in fiftcon different streets and tho localities of them badly flooded. The question no longer is how to obtain sufficient pressure, hut how to make the pipes stand it. It is probable that many miles of new pipe will have to be laid to supply the place of that which has been impaired by long service.

—At the meeting of the Fire Commissioners of Washington, D. C. Nov. 8, Chief Engineer Cronin submitted his report, showing fifteen firo alarms struck during the month of October, an alleged loss from fires of $1,700, partially covered by an insurance of $1,200. The Chief Engineer also reported that quite a number of articles were lost by the various Fire Companies during the recent Patent Offico Fire, and added a detailed list and account of the lossos thus sustained by each individual company. H. R. Miles, Superintendent of tho fire alarm telegraph, submitted a report of fire alarms struck during the month last past, and also reported his insutuments to he in good working order. The wires for the new signal-box to be set up for tho Post Office Department are ready to be put in circuit, and tho box is expected shortly.

—The annual report of Fire Marshall John L. Durkee, of San Francisco, has just bebn printed, which is as follows :

—The amount required for the support of the Albany Fire Department for the present fiscal year will not probably exceed $80,000, a saving of $8,000 or 9,000 over the year 1876, and nearly $20,000 over the preceding year. The department was never in better condition in all its branches than at the presont time. Everything connected with, or pertaining to it, is in the most complete and perfoct order. Its efficiency is best demonstrated by the record of losses during the past yoar. There were 62 hell alarms, and 81 slight fires for which no alarms were sounded. The total losses during the year amounted to only $67,278,64, and the aggregate insurance on the real and personal property destroyed and damaged was $371,600.

—Allegheny, Pa., has recently been laying a large water pipe to increase tho water supply in tho upper part of the city. The work has cost $43,449,43, and the improvement is regarded as of great advantage to the city, and secured at a reasonable cost. Chief Engineer Crow, of the Fire Department, recently tested the pressure at all the fire plugs in the citv and found it had been greatly iRcreased by the laying of the new main,

NJ Apartment Building Fire Displaces 41, Sends One to Hospital

A fire tore through the top floor of an apartment building on Palisade Avenue in Bogota on Sunday.

Providence (RI) Firefighter Pinned by Sliding Fire Truck During Snowstorm

A Providence firefighter was pinned between a fire engine and a parked car early Sunday morning when the truck got stuck and slid into the…