U.S. Fire Administrator Gregory P. Cade has announced the selections for the incoming class to the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program (EFOP) have been completed. A record number, 425 senior fire executives and other key leaders have applied for the EFOP. which would qualify them to begin the program sometime during FY 2008. From this pool of 425, 250 were selected and these individuals will be soon scheduled for their first course. All applicants will be notified of their status by late September.
In making the announcement, Fire Administrator Cade stated “as a graduate of the EFOP myself, I know the value of this professional development program to my own career and life. The fact we have received the most number of applications ever in the 22 year history of the program is a testimonial to the fact our fire and emergency services community increasingly values this program. USFA is working hard to maintain, if not increase, the quality of the EFOP experience and the associated applied research activities. We are both encouraged and challenged regarding this support of our EFOP”.
NFA Superintendent Dr. Denis Onieal offered “each year, the academic qualifications and professional experience of the applicants continues to amaze me. Our ‘Key Leaders’ program allows us to admit the future fire service leaders along with our traditional applicants currently serving as chief officers. While emergency services delivery is always demanding, our EFOP graduates continue to lead America’s fire service, well prepared to meet their future challenges.”
Beginning in FY10, the academic prerequisite for EFOP consideration will increase from an Associate Degree to a Baccalaureate from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning. Applications for entry during FY 09 are due by June 30, 2008. For further information regarding the EFOP, refer to http://www.usfa.dhs.gov/nfa/efop/index.shtm