Reducing Salaries.
A meeting of the Cincinnati Board of Police Commissioners was held on the 25th ult., to consider the question of salaries paid to members of the Fire Department for the year 1878. It appears that the maximum allowed by law for the tax levy for that city is twelve mills on the dollar, and in order to mako the Fire Department fund hold out, it was necessary either to reduce salaries of the members, or disband some of the companies. Tho Fire Department fund for 1878 stands as follows:
The Commissioners expressed groat reluctance to make the reduction necessary to mako this ft n l hold out, and in submitting to the inevitable, paid a deserved tribute to the efficiency of the department. Chief Mogrue was present at the meeting, ami stated that while, for tho sake of the faithful and deserving men of the force, he regretted that a reduction was necessary, yet he recognized that tho interests of the taxpayers and of the city made the exercise of tho most rigid economy necessary, and he believed the Firemen of tho city would, as good citizens, cheerfully acquiesce in whatever was deemed for the welfaro of all. The following table shows the number of men employed in the department, the rate of pay heretofore received, and tho proposed rato for 1878 :
The now schedule went into effect on the 1st of the present month.