Around 1:30 a.m. on October 2, 2008, E703 (Rockville) was sent to the 200 block of Frederick Ave., in Rockville, Maryland, for the report of a transformer on fire. On arrival they discovered smoke coming from a house located at 219 Frederick Ave. and called for assistance.
E703 reported a basement fire with fire showing from a basement window. A ‘House fire’ dispatch assignment and a ‘RID’ (Rapid Intervention Dispatch) was dispatched. On the arrival of other units from FS03 on the scene, an interior attack was initiated by E703 and a Rescue Group was established with a subsequent search of the house performed. During the search efforts a member from RS703 (the driver) fell through the first floor over the room of origin and into the fire below. A ‘mayday’ was initiated for the trapped firefighter, and a ‘Task Force’ assignment was requested. The trapped firefighter was able to self extricate himself from the basement. The injured firefighter was treated on the scene and transported to the Washington Hospital Center, Med Star Burn Unit. He was hospitalized for an extended period.
The cause of the fire is under investigation and damage is estimated to be $270,000. The fire is believed to have originated in the basement.
The report will contain 50 recommendations dealing with – Fire Ground Operations, Risk vs. Benefit Analysis, Accountability, Mayday, Communications, Personnel Training & Certification, Equipment, PPE/SCBA.
You can download this report by CLICKING HERE or by going to: