Rocky Mountain Fire Company to Utilize GelTechs FireIce for Wildland Fire Ground Attacks

GelTech Solutions, Inc. (OTCBB:GLTC), creators of FireIce, a revolutionary water enhancing fire suppressant that has the potential to change current firefighting techniques globally announced that on June 1, 2012, Rocky Mountain Fire Company (“RMFC”) will begin deploying FireIce on its ground attack fire trucks when it is engaged in fighting wildfires. RMFC operates a fleet of six wildland fire engines used to fight wildland forest fires for the US Forest Service and other state and federal agencies. The use of FireIce by RMFC will be on a non-exclusive basis.

“As a mainstay of the wildland firefighting community, the selection by RMFC to utilize FireIce on their wildland fire engines speaks volumes about the growing acceptance of FireIce as an effective and environmentally friendly alternative for fighting wildland fires,”
stated Ed Kleiman, wildland fire coordinator for GelTech Solutions.

Joseph Ingarra, president of GelTech Solutions stated, “Recently, the Northern region’s resources have been dealing with dry, fire prone conditions as a result of the beetle killed forests. The state of the art ground based vehicles provided by RMFC are an integral firefighting resource that can make the difference between catastrophic outcomes or control and containment of these types of fires.”

There are over 200 wildland engines, including the six operated by RMFC, being operated by fire contractors, in the Northern Rockies.

GelTech believes that when other contractors witness the effectiveness of FireIce, it will be able to increase its market share.

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