Sanford named chief in Indianapolis

by Scott C. Newman

I am pleased to announce that the Indianapolis (IN) Fire Department (IFD) Chief Selection Committee concluded its work about a week ago, having spent many volunteer hours interviewing the 12 finalists for the position of Chief of Fire. The committee members forwarded their recommendations to Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, who has made his selection.

Over the weekend, Mayor Ballard chose to affirm Acting IFD Chief Brian Sanford as the permanent Chief of the Indianapolis Fire Department. Chief Sanford formerly served as Deputy Chief of IFD’s EMS Division, and until IFD’s most recent consolidation with Warren Township, he served as that township’s Fire Chief.

Chief Sanford emerges as the choice of a highly competitive process. We enjoyed being able to interview and discuss departmental matters with an impressive array of strong, experienced and talented finalists, and the discussions we had with them were wide ranging, honest and spirited.


Glenn Corbett and Paul Dansbach

Fire Safety in Old Theaters

In this Training Minutes video, Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett review fire safety and firefighting concerns in old-style theaters.