California Fire Academy: Fire Mgmt. Ill, Nov. 14-19; Fire Mgmt. II, Feb 27-Mar 4; Fire Mgmt. VII, Jan 30-Feb. 4; Fire Mgmt. IV, Mar 20-25; Fire Command II, Nov 7-12; Fire Command IV, Dec. 5-10; Rural Fire Mgmt. & Command, Dec. 12-17; Fire Command III, Jan 16-21; Fire Investigation III, Mar. 6-11 Fire Investigation II, Mar 27-Apr 1; Fire Prevention III, Jan. 9-14; Fire Instructor llb, Dec. 12-17; Fire Instructor III, Feb. 20-25; Public Education Officer III, Feb. 20-25; Haz-Mat I, Jan. 30-Feb 4 Contact Calif. Fire Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950.

Colorado Training Institute: Hazardous Material Awareness, Nov. 2-4, $50, Haz-Mat In-Depth, Shippers/Carriers, Nov. 15-19, $200. Contact the institute at 1001 East 62nd Ave., Denver, Colo. 80216.

Connecticut State Fire School: Vehicle Rescue, Nov 13-14; Pumps, Nov. 7, Nat. Fire Incid. Rept. System, Nov. 11, 12, Incidence Command, Nov. 13-14; Co. Officer Instr. Technique, Nov. 13-14, Dec. 8,9, Rural Water Supply I, Nov. 13-14, Fire Instr. Methods, Nov. 20-Dec. 19; Fire Arson Detection, Dec. 11-12; Basic Recon. Haz-Mat, Dec. 11-12, Sprinklers, Dec 11-12; Co. Officer Instr. Tech., Ian. 5-6, Jan. 15-16, Jan. 22-23, Feb. 2-3, Tactics, Jan. 8-23; NFA EMSA, Jan. 8-9; Fire Arson Detection, Jan. 19-20; Sprinklers, Feb. 5-6, Fire Instructor Methods, Feb 9-Mar. 10; Incidence Command, Feb 16-17; Firefighter II, Feb 19-2 l. Firefighter I, Feb. 26-June 5. Contact Wayne Sandford, Director of Fire Training, 294 Colony St., Meriden, Conn. 06450.

Correspondence Course on Hydraulic Calculations of Automatic Sprinkler Systems: Year-round enrollment, course consists of 12 assignments and a proctored exam. Write Independent and Correspondence Study, 001 Classroom Building, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Ok. 74078.

Fire Brigade Instructor Workshop: Nov. 1-2, Columbia, Md. Contact Course Registrar, General Physics Corp., 1000 Century Plaza, Columbia, Md 21044.

Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program: Vehicle Rescue, Nov. 1-5; Industrial Fire School, Nov. 9-11, Breathing Apparatus, Nov. 13-14; Industrial Fire School, Nov 16-18, Radiological Monitoring, Nov. 20; Pump Operations, Nov. 29-Dec 3; Haz-Mat Flammable Gases, Dec. 7; Industrial Fire School, Dec. 7-9, Feb. 1-3, Feb. 22-23; Fire Inspector I, Pt. III, Dec. 11; Industrial Fire Chiefs School, Jan. 10-14; Electricity and Fire Fighter, Jan. 15; Fire Fighting and Safety Equip. Display, Jan. 21-22; High-Rise Fires, Feb. 8-9; Fire Inspector I, Pt. IV, Feb. 19; Fire Admin., Feb. 22-24; Fire Invest. II, Pt. II, Feb. 26-27. Contact Louisiana State University, Firemen Training, Div. of Cont. Ed., Baton Rouge, La. 70803-1514

Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute: Pumps Seminar, Nov. 6-7; EMS Admin., Nov. 13-14, Care & Maint. of Breathing App., Nov. 21, Fire Photography, Dec 4-5; Rescue for Industrial Brigades, Dec. 8-9; Emer. Op. During Nuclear Emergencies, Dec. 11-12; Fire Inspectors Seminar, Dec 14-16, Fire Prevention I, Jan 8-9, Fire Brigade Mgmt. & Supervision, Jan. 12-13, Md. Chief Officers Seminar, Jan. 29-30, Aircraft Crash and Rescue-SMRO, Feb. 5-6, HazMat Transp. Emerg., Feb. 12-13; Trauma Seminar, Feb. 19-20; Managing Comb. Fire Dept., Feb. 26-27 Contact Director John E Hoglund, Md. Fire and Rescue Instit., Univ. of Md.. College Park, Md. 20742.

Massachusetts Firefighting Academy: Gas Fire Fighting (for fire fighters), Nov. 8-9 Contact Mass Firefighting Academy, 59 Horse Pond Rd., Sudbury, Mass. 01776

Morris County Fire Fighters Training Academy: Fire Fighter III, Nov. 5-7, Nov. 12-13, Truck Operations, Nov. 19-20. Contact Morris County Fire Fighters and Police Training Academy, Courthouse, Morristown, N.J. 07960

New Jersey State Fire College: Fire Officers Course, Nov. 6-7; 13-14, Fire Brigade I, Nov. 9-11. Contact August G Brummer. Fire Div , N.J. State Safety Council, 50 Park Place, Suite 820, Newark, N.J. 07102.

New York Academy of Fire Science: Fire/Arson Investigation, Nov. 3-5, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Training Officer Wkshop, Dec 4-5 Regional Fire Admin. Conference, Nov. 13-14; Br. Apparatus Maint., Nov 20-21; OMH-NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, Nov. 29-Dec 3 fire Ext. Maint., Dec 11-12. Contact the Academy at Box K, Montour Falls, N. Y. 14865

Pennsylvania State Fire School: Arson Detection, Nov. 6, Industrial Fire Brigade, Nov. 8-10 Structural Fire Fighting I, Nov. 15-19 Contact the school at P.O. Box 631. Lewistown, Pa. 17044.

National Fire Academy

Residential Courses: Haz Mat I, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, jan 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Mar. 14-25, Apr 11-22; Haz Mat II, Dec. 6-17, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 21-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 6, Haz Mat III, Nov. 8-19, Feb. 28-Mar. 11, May 9-20, Incident Command I, Nov. 8-19, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Jan. 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Mar. 14-25, Apr. 11-22; Incident Command II, Dec. 6-17, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 21-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 6 Educational Methodology I, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Jan. 4-14, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 14-25, Apr 11-22, May 30-June 10, Educational Methodology II, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 28-Mar. 11, Apr. 25-May 6, Mgmt. of Public Fire Ed., Jan. 17-28, Mar. 14-25, Apr. 11-22, June 6-17; fye Service Leadership/ Comm., Jan. 4-21, Jan. 31-Feb. 18, Mar 14-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 13, May 30-June 17; Fire Service Mid-Mgmt. I, Nov. 29-Dec. 1,0, Jan. 24-Feb 4, Feb. 28-Mar. U Apr. 11-22, May 9-20, Fire Service Mid-Mgmt. II, Nov. 8-19, Dec. 6-17, jan. 4-14, Feb 7-18, Apr. 25-May 6, May 23-June 3; Executive Development III, Feb. 7-18, Mar. 14-25, Apr 25May 6; Mgmt. of EMS for Fire Service, Jan 4-14, Feb 14-25, Apr. 25-May 6, May 30-June 10; Fire Prevention Spec. I, Nov. 8-19, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Jan. 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Feb 28-Mar. 11, Apr. 11-22, May 23-June 3; Fire Prevention Spec. II, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 14-25, Apr. 26-May 6, May 9-20, June 6-17; Codes and Ordinances, Nov 8-19, Jan 31-Feb. 11, Feb. 28-Mar. 11, Mar. 21-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 6; Plans Review for Fire Inspectors, Jan 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Feb. 28-Mar 11, Apr 11-22, May 9-20, June 13-24 Fire/Arson Investigation, Nov. 1-19, Nov. 19-Dec. 17, Jan 4-21, Jan. 24-Feb. 11, Mar 14-Apr. 1, Apr. 11-29, May 9-27, June 13-July 1, Fire/Arson Detection, Nov. 8-12, Dec. 13-17, Jan. 24-28, Feb. 7-11, Feb. 28-Mar 4, Mar 21-25, Apr. 25-29, May 9-13, May 30-June 3. Contact J. Edward Criswell, Director, Admissions and Registration, National Fire Academy, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, Md. 21727.

Outreach Program

Calif., Nov. 6-7, Bldg. Const, for Fire Sup. Forces, contact Richard Wharton, Ca. Fire Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Ca. 93950, Colo., Nov. 6-7, Bldg. Const, for Fire Sup. Forces, contact Joe Lewand, Fire Service Tr., 12600 W 6th Ave., Golden, Co. 80401; Ind., Nov 6-7, Fire Prev. I, Public Fire Ed Planning, contact William Goodwin, Ind State Fire Marshal Dept., 502 State Office Bldg . 100 N Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 46204; N.Y., Nov. 6-7, Pesticide Fire & Spill Control, contact Francis McGarry. Office of Fire Prev & Control, N Y. State Dept, of State, 162 Washington Ave . Albany, N. Y. 12231; N.C., Nov 6-7, Vol. Fire Service Mgmt, contact Ken Farmer, Exec Dir, N.C. State Fire Comm., Dept, of Crime Control & Public Safety, 116 W Jones St., Raleigh, N.C 27611; Ohio, Nov. 6-7, Bldg Const for Fire Sup Forces, EMS Admin., A Drew, Ohio Fire Academy, Ohio State Fire Marshal’s Office, 8895 E Main St., Reynoldsburg. Ohio 43068, Okla., Nov 6-7, Bldg Const for Fire Sup Forces, contact Nancy Trench, Fire Service Tr., Okla State Univ., Fire Building, Stillwater, Ok. 74078, S.D., Nov. 6-7, Instr. Tech. for Co. Officers, lim Fiippin, State Coord., Fire Serv. Tr., 118 W. Capitol, Pierre, S.D 5750, Kan., Nov. 13-14, Vol. Fire Serv. Mgmt , Max Thommas. Fire Serv. Tr. Dtv., Univ. of Kan., 645 New Hampshire Ave., Lawrence, Kan. 60045. Md., Nov. 13-14. EMS

Admin., lohn Hoglund, Md. Fire & Rescue Instil., Univ. of Md., College Park, Md. 20742; Nev., Nov. 13-14, Bldg. Const, for Fire Sup. Forces, Dave Stephan, State Fire Marshal Div., Fire Tr. Sect., Capitol Complex, Carson City, Nev. 89710; S.C., Nov. 13-14, Fire App. Purchase & Maint., )os. McDonagh, S.C Fire Academy, State Board for Tech. & Comp. Ed., West Columbia, S.C. 29169; Hawaii, Nov. 15-16, Bldg Const, for Fire Sup Forces, contact Sid Wilson, Batt. Chief, City of Honolulu FD, 1455 S. Beretania St., Rm. 313, Honolulu, Hi, 96814; Idaho, Nov. 16-17, Fire/Arson Detec., Tom Tyree, Fire Serv. Tr„ College

of S. Idaho, P O. Box 1238. Twin Falls, Id 83301; Dela., Haz-Mat Inc. Anal. contact Louis Amabili. Dela. State Fire School, R.D. #2, Box 166, Dover, Dela 19901; Iowa, Nov. 20-21, Vol. Fire Serv. Mgmt. Haz-Mat Inc. Anal, contact Keith Royer, Fire Service Ext., Fire Service Bid., Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa 50011, Mass., Nov. 20-21. Fire Incid Mgmt . Stephen Coan, Mass Firefighting Acad , 59 Horse Pond Rd., Sudburg, Mass. 01776. Pa., Nov. 20-21, Vol. Fire Serv Mgmt., Robert Grening, Pa. Emer Mgmt. Agency, Office of Fire Safety Services, Pa. State Fire Academy, P.O. Box 631, Lewistown, Pa 17044.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett consider buildings that front on two streets, share basements, or might otherwise challenge firefighters.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.