California Fire Academy: Fire Mgmt. Ill, Nov. 14-19; Fire Mgmt. II, Feb 27-Mar 4; Fire Mgmt. VII, Jan 30-Feb. 4; Fire Mgmt. IV, Mar 20-25; Fire Command II, Nov 7-12; Fire Command IV, Dec. 5-10; Rural Fire Mgmt. & Command, Dec. 12-17; Fire Command III, Jan 16-21; Fire Investigation III, Mar. 6-11 Fire Investigation II, Mar 27-Apr 1; Fire Prevention III, Jan. 9-14; Fire Instructor llb, Dec. 12-17; Fire Instructor III, Feb. 20-25; Public Education Officer III, Feb. 20-25; Haz-Mat I, Jan. 30-Feb 4 Contact Calif. Fire Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950.
Colorado Training Institute: Hazardous Material Awareness, Nov. 2-4, $50, Haz-Mat In-Depth, Shippers/Carriers, Nov. 15-19, $200. Contact the institute at 1001 East 62nd Ave., Denver, Colo. 80216.
Connecticut State Fire School: Vehicle Rescue, Nov 13-14; Pumps, Nov. 7, Nat. Fire Incid. Rept. System, Nov. 11, 12, Incidence Command, Nov. 13-14; Co. Officer Instr. Technique, Nov. 13-14, Dec. 8,9, Rural Water Supply I, Nov. 13-14, Fire Instr. Methods, Nov. 20-Dec. 19; Fire Arson Detection, Dec. 11-12; Basic Recon. Haz-Mat, Dec. 11-12, Sprinklers, Dec 11-12; Co. Officer Instr. Tech., Ian. 5-6, Jan. 15-16, Jan. 22-23, Feb. 2-3, Tactics, Jan. 8-23; NFA EMSA, Jan. 8-9; Fire Arson Detection, Jan. 19-20; Sprinklers, Feb. 5-6, Fire Instructor Methods, Feb 9-Mar. 10; Incidence Command, Feb 16-17; Firefighter II, Feb 19-2 l. Firefighter I, Feb. 26-June 5. Contact Wayne Sandford, Director of Fire Training, 294 Colony St., Meriden, Conn. 06450.
Correspondence Course on Hydraulic Calculations of Automatic Sprinkler Systems: Year-round enrollment, course consists of 12 assignments and a proctored exam. Write Independent and Correspondence Study, 001 Classroom Building, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Ok. 74078.
Fire Brigade Instructor Workshop: Nov. 1-2, Columbia, Md. Contact Course Registrar, General Physics Corp., 1000 Century Plaza, Columbia, Md 21044.
Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program: Vehicle Rescue, Nov. 1-5; Industrial Fire School, Nov. 9-11, Breathing Apparatus, Nov. 13-14; Industrial Fire School, Nov 16-18, Radiological Monitoring, Nov. 20; Pump Operations, Nov. 29-Dec 3; Haz-Mat Flammable Gases, Dec. 7; Industrial Fire School, Dec. 7-9, Feb. 1-3, Feb. 22-23; Fire Inspector I, Pt. III, Dec. 11; Industrial Fire Chiefs School, Jan. 10-14; Electricity and Fire Fighter, Jan. 15; Fire Fighting and Safety Equip. Display, Jan. 21-22; High-Rise Fires, Feb. 8-9; Fire Inspector I, Pt. IV, Feb. 19; Fire Admin., Feb. 22-24; Fire Invest. II, Pt. II, Feb. 26-27. Contact Louisiana State University, Firemen Training, Div. of Cont. Ed., Baton Rouge, La. 70803-1514
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute: Pumps Seminar, Nov. 6-7; EMS Admin., Nov. 13-14, Care & Maint. of Breathing App., Nov. 21, Fire Photography, Dec 4-5; Rescue for Industrial Brigades, Dec. 8-9; Emer. Op. During Nuclear Emergencies, Dec. 11-12; Fire Inspectors Seminar, Dec 14-16, Fire Prevention I, Jan 8-9, Fire Brigade Mgmt. & Supervision, Jan. 12-13, Md. Chief Officers Seminar, Jan. 29-30, Aircraft Crash and Rescue-SMRO, Feb. 5-6, HazMat Transp. Emerg., Feb. 12-13; Trauma Seminar, Feb. 19-20; Managing Comb. Fire Dept., Feb. 26-27 Contact Director John E Hoglund, Md. Fire and Rescue Instit., Univ. of Md.. College Park, Md. 20742.
Massachusetts Firefighting Academy: Gas Fire Fighting (for fire fighters), Nov. 8-9 Contact Mass Firefighting Academy, 59 Horse Pond Rd., Sudbury, Mass. 01776
Morris County Fire Fighters Training Academy: Fire Fighter III, Nov. 5-7, Nov. 12-13, Truck Operations, Nov. 19-20. Contact Morris County Fire Fighters and Police Training Academy, Courthouse, Morristown, N.J. 07960
New Jersey State Fire College: Fire Officers Course, Nov. 6-7; 13-14, Fire Brigade I, Nov. 9-11. Contact August G Brummer. Fire Div , N.J. State Safety Council, 50 Park Place, Suite 820, Newark, N.J. 07102.
New York Academy of Fire Science: Fire/Arson Investigation, Nov. 3-5, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Training Officer Wkshop, Dec 4-5 Regional Fire Admin. Conference, Nov. 13-14; Br. Apparatus Maint., Nov 20-21; OMH-NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, Nov. 29-Dec 3 fire Ext. Maint., Dec 11-12. Contact the Academy at Box K, Montour Falls, N. Y. 14865
Pennsylvania State Fire School: Arson Detection, Nov. 6, Industrial Fire Brigade, Nov. 8-10 Structural Fire Fighting I, Nov. 15-19 Contact the school at P.O. Box 631. Lewistown, Pa. 17044.
National Fire Academy
Residential Courses: Haz Mat I, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, jan 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Mar. 14-25, Apr 11-22; Haz Mat II, Dec. 6-17, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 21-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 6, Haz Mat III, Nov. 8-19, Feb. 28-Mar. 11, May 9-20, Incident Command I, Nov. 8-19, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Jan. 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Mar. 14-25, Apr. 11-22; Incident Command II, Dec. 6-17, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 21-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 6 Educational Methodology I, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Jan. 4-14, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 14-25, Apr 11-22, May 30-June 10, Educational Methodology II, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 28-Mar. 11, Apr. 25-May 6, Mgmt. of Public Fire Ed., Jan. 17-28, Mar. 14-25, Apr. 11-22, June 6-17; fye Service Leadership/ Comm., Jan. 4-21, Jan. 31-Feb. 18, Mar 14-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 13, May 30-June 17; Fire Service Mid-Mgmt. I, Nov. 29-Dec. 1,0, Jan. 24-Feb 4, Feb. 28-Mar. U Apr. 11-22, May 9-20, Fire Service Mid-Mgmt. II, Nov. 8-19, Dec. 6-17, jan. 4-14, Feb 7-18, Apr. 25-May 6, May 23-June 3; Executive Development III, Feb. 7-18, Mar. 14-25, Apr 25May 6; Mgmt. of EMS for Fire Service, Jan 4-14, Feb 14-25, Apr. 25-May 6, May 30-June 10; Fire Prevention Spec. I, Nov. 8-19, Nov. 29-Dec. 10, Jan. 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Feb 28-Mar. 11, Apr. 11-22, May 23-June 3; Fire Prevention Spec. II, Jan. 17-28, Feb. 14-25, Mar. 14-25, Apr. 26-May 6, May 9-20, June 6-17; Codes and Ordinances, Nov 8-19, Jan 31-Feb. 11, Feb. 28-Mar. 11, Mar. 21-Apr. 1, Apr. 25-May 6; Plans Review for Fire Inspectors, Jan 4-14, Jan. 31-Feb. 11, Feb. 28-Mar 11, Apr 11-22, May 9-20, June 13-24 Fire/Arson Investigation, Nov. 1-19, Nov. 19-Dec. 17, Jan 4-21, Jan. 24-Feb. 11, Mar 14-Apr. 1, Apr. 11-29, May 9-27, June 13-July 1, Fire/Arson Detection, Nov. 8-12, Dec. 13-17, Jan. 24-28, Feb. 7-11, Feb. 28-Mar 4, Mar 21-25, Apr. 25-29, May 9-13, May 30-June 3. Contact J. Edward Criswell, Director, Admissions and Registration, National Fire Academy, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, Md. 21727.
Outreach Program
Calif., Nov. 6-7, Bldg. Const, for Fire Sup. Forces, contact Richard Wharton, Ca. Fire Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Ca. 93950, Colo., Nov. 6-7, Bldg. Const, for Fire Sup. Forces, contact Joe Lewand, Fire Service Tr., 12600 W 6th Ave., Golden, Co. 80401; Ind., Nov 6-7, Fire Prev. I, Public Fire Ed Planning, contact William Goodwin, Ind State Fire Marshal Dept., 502 State Office Bldg . 100 N Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 46204; N.Y., Nov. 6-7, Pesticide Fire & Spill Control, contact Francis McGarry. Office of Fire Prev & Control, N Y. State Dept, of State, 162 Washington Ave . Albany, N. Y. 12231; N.C., Nov 6-7, Vol. Fire Service Mgmt, contact Ken Farmer, Exec Dir, N.C. State Fire Comm., Dept, of Crime Control & Public Safety, 116 W Jones St., Raleigh, N.C 27611; Ohio, Nov. 6-7, Bldg Const for Fire Sup Forces, EMS Admin., A Drew, Ohio Fire Academy, Ohio State Fire Marshal’s Office, 8895 E Main St., Reynoldsburg. Ohio 43068, Okla., Nov 6-7, Bldg Const for Fire Sup Forces, contact Nancy Trench, Fire Service Tr., Okla State Univ., Fire Building, Stillwater, Ok. 74078, S.D., Nov. 6-7, Instr. Tech. for Co. Officers, lim Fiippin, State Coord., Fire Serv. Tr., 118 W. Capitol, Pierre, S.D 5750, Kan., Nov. 13-14, Vol. Fire Serv. Mgmt , Max Thommas. Fire Serv. Tr. Dtv., Univ. of Kan., 645 New Hampshire Ave., Lawrence, Kan. 60045. Md., Nov. 13-14. EMS
Admin., lohn Hoglund, Md. Fire & Rescue Instil., Univ. of Md., College Park, Md. 20742; Nev., Nov. 13-14, Bldg. Const, for Fire Sup. Forces, Dave Stephan, State Fire Marshal Div., Fire Tr. Sect., Capitol Complex, Carson City, Nev. 89710; S.C., Nov. 13-14, Fire App. Purchase & Maint., )os. McDonagh, S.C Fire Academy, State Board for Tech. & Comp. Ed., West Columbia, S.C. 29169; Hawaii, Nov. 15-16, Bldg Const, for Fire Sup Forces, contact Sid Wilson, Batt. Chief, City of Honolulu FD, 1455 S. Beretania St., Rm. 313, Honolulu, Hi, 96814; Idaho, Nov. 16-17, Fire/Arson Detec., Tom Tyree, Fire Serv. Tr„ College
of S. Idaho, P O. Box 1238. Twin Falls, Id 83301; Dela., Haz-Mat Inc. Anal. contact Louis Amabili. Dela. State Fire School, R.D. #2, Box 166, Dover, Dela 19901; Iowa, Nov. 20-21, Vol. Fire Serv. Mgmt. Haz-Mat Inc. Anal, contact Keith Royer, Fire Service Ext., Fire Service Bid., Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa 50011, Mass., Nov. 20-21. Fire Incid Mgmt . Stephen Coan, Mass Firefighting Acad , 59 Horse Pond Rd., Sudburg, Mass. 01776. Pa., Nov. 20-21, Vol. Fire Serv Mgmt., Robert Grening, Pa. Emer Mgmt. Agency, Office of Fire Safety Services, Pa. State Fire Academy, P.O. Box 631, Lewistown, Pa 17044.