Seattle city fire and health departments investigating death at a Quality Inn & Suites hotel with history of pool violations and cloudy water, reports the Seattle Times.
On June 30, as firefighters searched for Tesfaye Girma Deboch in water that was so murky no one could see the bottom of the indoor pool.
Firefighters used a rescue hook and thermal imaging to search the water, but eventually left, certain that Deboch had left the pool area.
It wasn’t until nearly three hours later that the body of Deboch, a 27-year-old Washington State University student, was pulled from the murky water.
The Seattle Fire Department is reviewing the incident to determine whether the response to the incident could call for revisions to its water-rescue procedures, according to a released statement.
Public Health — Seattle & King County, which says the pool should not have been open given the murkiness of the water, has launched its own investigation.
Read more of the story here
Seattle Fire Reviewing Response to Missed Body in Pool
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