In Case You Missed It: September 2016 Fire Engineering Features

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ISFSI Fall Conference Quick Drills

Forest Reeder brings the ISFSI’s Fall Conference, currently taking place in Cincinatti, Ohio, to Fire Engineering readers for a quick look at some of the drills students are exp…

Structural Firefighting: Lessons Learned from the World of Wildland

We should take a closer look at our personnel who are out there chinking hoseline and apply best practices that are applicable in their setting, as well as ours, writes Clive O’Connor.

Fire Blog Roundup: Ballistic Vests, Company Officers, and The Mission

Read a roundup of some of our most recent Fire Engineering blogs, including David Polikoff on basic firefighting skills, Art Goodrich remembering a notable training death, and m…

Next Person Up: How Well Are We Training Our Personnel?

Joe Pronesti asks, is your next man/woman up just keeping the seat warm and hoping just to get to the end of shift without issue?

Training Minutes: Fire Room Angle of Attack

In this Training Minutes video on engine company operations, Ray McCormack has a quick tip that can help you get water on the fire faster.

Humpday Hangout: Fireground Command and Control

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, hosts Frank Ricci and P.J. Norwood invite New Haven (CT) Assistant Chief Matt Macarelli and Wallingford (CT) Battalion Chief Jim Duffy to join in…

Extrication Minutes: Basic Box Cribbing

In this video on vehicle extrication, Brock Archer and Instructor Fletcher discuss basic box cribbing for vehicle rescue scenarios.

Bobby and George: Turn Not Your Back on Others…

In this video, Bobby Halton reviews another one of George Washington’s rules of civility, this one related to interpersonal skills and communication.

Construction Concerns: 9/11 Revisited

We owe those who lost their lives on that day an ongoing discussion of how and why these events happened and what we can do to prevent recurrences in the future, including promo…

Mayday Monday: RIT Air Pack

Today, please get your RIT air pack out and review the operations, options for providing air, and your operational plans when you need to use it.

Community Resilience and PTSD

All firefighters are exposed to experiences that induce stress. But sometimes its the community that firefighter is a part of that determines whether that stress is manageable o…

Humpday Hangout: The Newest Generation. Hiring the Right People

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, Rick Lasky and Terry McGrath are joined by The Colony Fire Department (TX) Chief Scott Thompson, Lewisville Fire Department (TX) Division Chief M…

Firefighter Fitness: How Are Your Hips?

One of the movements that continues to injure firefighters is the hip hinge. Jordan Ponder reviews this foundational, functional movement.

Engine Company EMS: Keeping the Crew Motivated

A good officer will never allow his crew to take EMS for granted, writes Michael Morse.

Training Minutes: Basic Torch Operations

In this new Training Minutes video on technical rescue, Mark Gregory is joined by Paul Trahon and Ken Bailey to discuss the fundamentals of cutting torch use for rescue operatio…

Extrication Minutes: HV Inverter/Converter

In this video on vehicle extrication, Brock Archer of Advanced Extrication covers the high voltage inverter/converter unit located in hybrid and electric vehicles.

Forging Creative Community Partnerships

Forging community partnerships…are an opportunity to go above and beyond the call of duty by showing how much we really care about the communities we proudly serve, writes Mic…

Personality-Based Terror Response

Is your department prepared to respond to incidents such as the recent bombing in Manhattan? Billy Goldfeder has some thoughts and FDNY dispatch audio.

Mayday Monday: Entanglement

Today’s Mayday Monday drill is to practice negotiating an entanglement hazard. Tony Carroll has some background and some ideas on how to train on this issue.

The Fire Officer’s Guide to the Tough Community Questions, Part 9

In Part 9 of his series, Mark Wallace asks, “How do we (or can we) keep our employees out of local political elections?”

Firefighter Training Program: Motor Learning and Performance

This program from the Firefighters Support Foundation addresses the neurophysiological aspects of stressful situations and methods to program effective behaviors in light of them.

Throw Back to Basics: Targeting

Brian Zaitz offers this new drill that aims to improve hose pulling drills by incorporating the concept of “targeting” into the training.

Fire Blog Roundup: EMS Staging, Social Media, and Love

Check out some of the featured Fire Engineering blogs thus far this month, including Mike McEvoy’s recent commentary on fire-EMS staging at potentially violence incidents.

Train on the Basics To Reduce Fire Scene Chaos

Roger Lunt looks at how to focus on basic firefighting skills and knowledge in your training program.

Video: John Salka, Eddie Buchanan Talk Fire Dynamics

In this video released by the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, Hanover (VA) Fire & EMS Division Chief Eddie Buchanan talks with FDNY Battalion Chief (Ret.) John Sa…

Violent Scene Response for Fire and EMS Agencies

“I caution all of you not to blanket the entire fire service or emergency medical services career field with a single procedure or policy,” writes Steven C. Hamilton.

Humpday Hangout: Residential Attic Fires

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, Bill Gustin, Mike Dugan, and the rest of the panel discuss the many different facets of residential attic fires. 

Firefighter Training Drill: The Cab Kick-Out

Ricky Riley offers a drill and driver habit will enhance the operations of those departments that run tower ladders in their area.

Training Minutes: Side Removal on Inverted Vehicle

In this new Training Minutes video on advanced vehicle extrication, Steve White of Advanced Rescue Solutions and company offer some details on side removal when dealing with a v…

Construction Concerns: Concrete—Modern and Ancient

In his new Construction Concerns, Gregory Havel looks at this most common of all building materials, which dates back to Ancient Rome and comes in many forms.  

Mayday Monday: Air Consumption Drill

Tony Carroll offers a new drill designed to test firefighters’ air consumption capabilities.

The Battalion TV: Remembering 9/11

In The Battalion TV’s “9/11/11 Ground Zero Dedication Special,” firefighters and first responders from around the world who competed in the World Police and Fire Games held…

Highway Incident Safety: The Hits Keep Coming!

Jack Sullivan offers some recommendations for safely operating at roadway incidents of all types.

Former FDNY Commissioner Reflects on 9/11 Response

Former Fire Department of New York Commissioner (FDNY) Sal Cassano spoke with John Jay Professor and Fire Engineering Technical Editor Glenn Corbett about the department’s respo…

The Professional Volunteer Fire Department: Take Five Minutes

Taking five minutes to become better each time you enter the firehouse to “hang out” will make you a better, more prepared firefighter, writes Thomas A. Merrill.

FE 1934: The Morro Castle Fire

Check out the October 1934 Fire Engineering cover and article on the Morro Castle, which burned off the New Jersey coast on September 8, 1934.  


WTC 15th Anniversary: A Time to Remember

It has been 15 years since the hijacked planes hit the two World Trade Center (WTC) towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a plane was taken down by passengers in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Mary Jane Dittmar looks at some of the remembrance events you can participate in so as to “Never Forget.”

It’s Not a Cliché: Words To Live by

In the fire service, profound axioms often deemed cliché can be discounted because of perceived overuse or misunderstanding of their background or application, writes Eric G. Bachman.

Training Minutes: Search Techniques

In this new Training Minutes video, Captain Kevin Lewis and company review some search techniques to improve a firefighter’s ability to perform interior search and up the chances of survivability for potential victims.

Humpday Hangout: The Flow Path to Leadership

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, hosts Steve Pegram, Aaron Heller, and Brad French as they welcome their guests O.J. Kolodziej, Lieutenant, Birmingham (AL) Fire & Rescue and Dave Casey, Louisiana State Fire Training Director, LSU. They will discuss their sessions as this year’s International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) Fall Conference and various other training topics along the way.

Extrication Minutes: Dual-Stage Air Bags

In this week’s video on vehicle extrication, Brock Archer of Advanced Extrication discusses dual-stage air bags and what to expect from them at motor vehicle incidents.

Mayday Monday: Hoarding

Hoarding conditions present a very dangerous environment to fight a fire in. Tony Carroll presents some tips on surviving a structure fire in a hoarder home.

Throw Back to Basics: PPV Fans

Brian Zaitz goes over the basics of positive-pressure ventilation on the fireground.

Emergency Nozzle Operations for Engine Companies

Andrew Hale implores you to, “Dissect your nozzles, take them apart, reassemble them, and be able to do it with your eyes closed.”

In Case You Missed It: January 2016 Fire Engineering Features

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Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…