Twelve people were shot dead and numerous other people were wounded last night in a shooting rampage at a premiere of the latest Batman movie in Aurora, Colorado.
CNN reports that a heavily armed gunman tossed tear gas into the darkness of the movie theater Friday and then sprayed the audience with gunfire during an early morning screening of “The Dark Knight Rises.” One of the injured was a three-month-old baby.
Police arrested a man believed to be the shooter in a rear parking lot of the theater, Frank Fania, a police spokesman, told CNN. The suspect was not immediately identified, but police said he was a man in his twenties from Aurora. The gunman reportedly did not put up a fight.
Police said the gunman “appeared” in the front of the theater and threw a smoke bomb before opening fire. A federal law enforcement official told CNN the smoke bomb described by witnesses was tear gas. It was unclear how the man got into the theater, but witnesses told CNN affiliate KUSA that he came in through an emergency door.
Read more about this incident HERE.
Firefighters and EMS personnel may respond to mass-casualty incidents like to perform rescue and provide emergency aid. For more on responding to these incidents, consider Mass -Shooting Incidents: Planning and Response, Free Firefighter Training: Response to Mass Shooting Events, and Free Training: Active Shooters and Mass Shootings.