AS America Inc.: Feature high-tensile aluminum alloys, stainless steel, nylon injection moldings, and elastomer extrusions. One-piece aluminum guide channel and seal housing allow for varied installation techniques, including raised-head fasteners. Prefinished channels. Trimming for desired length needed only. Flexible hinge system doubles as interlath seal even when angled and coated with ice. Shipped complete with side, top, and bottom weather seals. Anodized for easy cleaning. Guide rollers and self-lubrication bearings; no greasing needed. Corrosion-resistant materials and finishes. (800) 850-8070.

firefighters rescue woman

Fire at Rio De Janeiro’s Carnival Costume Factory Leaves 10 Hospitalized

A fire Wednesday at a Rio de Janeiro factory that produces costumes for the city's iconic Carnival left 10 people hospitalized.

After Three Fire Deaths, FDNY Asks People to Quit Blocking Hydrants

This week, two deadly fires—one in Brooklyn and another in the Bronx—have highlighted a persistent problem in New York City: blocked fire hydrants.