Skedco manufactures the Sked Stretcher System; the Oregon Spine Splint; flotation; Half Sked;

Skedco manufactures the Sked Stretcher System; the Oregon Spine Splint; flotation; Half Sked; Sked-Evac tripod; trauma bags that carry personal gear, food, and water along with your medical supplies; and its latest innovation, the MASS-CASUALTY/HAZ-MAT DECONTAMINABLE SKED STRETCHER. Free videos are also available.

(503) 639-2119.

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…