South Carolina industrial fire brigade training program accredited by IFSAC
South Carolina Fire Academy`s Industrial Fire Brigade training program has received accreditation by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (ISFAC)–the first such program to be accredited by IFSAC in the industrial training area.
“The process took nearly a year and a half,” says Billy Frost, Fire Academy superintendent. “Since IFSAC had never certified any program in the industrial area, we had to actually answer the question, `What should an industrial fire brigade member do?` This involved doing a needs assessment, looking at the job tasks, and writing the job description.”
The program meets appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for firefighting at the incipient level, advance exterior level, interior structural level, and advanced exterior/interior structural levels, according to the IFSAC.
For more information, contact Jim Knight, Office of Public Information, South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation, (803) 734-9612, fax: (803) 734-9716.